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10 Causes Of Vizsla Skin Bumps And How To Treat Them!

Vizlas have managed to rise in popularity to become the 32nd most commonly kept breed of dog in the USA and although this may not sound like much, they were once a very niche pet but their popularity just keeps on climbing.

Vizslas are a relatively easy breed to keep healthy and although they do have a number of potential health issues due to genetic issues, they are usually a great dog.

One thing that we have been seeing many vizsla keepers asking about recently is why their vizsla has skin bumps and how they are able to treat them.

Due to there being so many different potential causes of skin bumps on a vizsla, we decided to just publish this article to try and help as many of our readers as possible better understand exactly what’s wrong with their dog.


Mites are tiny little creatures that can cause big problems for your vizsla, they generally result in your dog itching and scratching a lot which can lead to hot spots and hair loss.

There are three types of mites that commonly affect dogs;

  • Sarcoptes: These are the most common type of mite found on dogs and they are the ones that cause mange.
  • Demodex: These mites are actually present on all dogs but usually in very small numbers, however some dogs can develop an immunity problem which causes the mite numbers to increase dramatically resulting in hair loss and itching.
  • Notoedres: These mites live in the environment and generally jumping from dog to dog, they can cause a lot of irritation but are not as dangerous as the other two types.

If you think your vizsla has mites then it’s important that you take them to see the vet so that they can be properly diagnosed and treated.


Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from allergies which can lead to a number of different skin problems including;

  • Hives
  • Eczema
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Hair loss

Allergies can be caused by anything from certain types of food, pollen, dust or even the environment that your dog lives in so it can be problematic to try and find the cause of the allergies in your pet vizsla.

Insect Bites!

Another common cause of skin bumps on vizslas is insect bites, these can range from anything like flea bites to mosquito bites.

Flea bites are usually pretty easy to spot as they are generally found in groups of three or four and are often quite itchy for your dog.

Mosquito bites on the other hand can be a little more difficult to spot as they generally only result in one bite mark, however if your vizsla is scratching a lot then this could be the cause of the swelling.

Most insect bits will fade over a number of days and not cause any serious problems with your dog.

Dry Skin!

Dry skin is usually more common in the winter months when the air is drier and can lead to your vizsla scratching a lot.

If you think your vizsla has dry skin then its important that you increase the amount of time they spend outside in the fresh air as this will help to improve their condition.

You may also want to consider using a humidifier in your home as this will add moisture to the air and help to relieve your vizsla’s dry skin.

There are also some topical creams that can quickly help get rid of dry skin in dogs too and once the dry skin has faded, the bumps on your vizslas skin should go too.


Rashes are another common skin problem in dogs and can be caused by anything from an allergic reaction to a change in the weather.

If your vizsla keeps scratching at its rash then it may end up causing the rash to have problems and develop into bumps.

Most of the time, there is no real reason to look at trying to take specific action to treat the rash as it will fade over a number of days.

Hot Spots!

Hot spots are a painful skin condition that can be caused by anything from allergies to infection and are often the result of your vizsla scratching or biting at their skin.

Hot spots usually start out as small red bumps but can quickly turn into large open wounds if they are not treated properly.

Most hot spots will fade within hours so just keep an eye on the bump to see what happens.

Excessive Licking!

Excessive licking is often the result of your vizsla having an allergy or being anxious and can lead to your dog developing a number of different skin problems.

If you think your vizsla is licking excessively then its important to discourage the behavior as soon as possible before it develops into a habit and in some cases, you may have to get your vizsla to wear a cone of shame to stop it licking so much.

Excessive Scratching!

Scratching is often the result of an allergy or skin condition and can quickly lead to your vizsla developing a number of different skin problems.

Just like excessive licking, excessive scratching can quickly develop into a habit so you really do have to get control of it quickly.

If you can discourage the scratching in your pet vizsla for a day or two then the bumps on its skin should fade.


Infections can commonly cause bumps to form on your vizslas skin and these can end up spreading quickly.

Although there are a number of topical creams on the market that can treat infections, you will usually have to investigate the type of infection your vizsla has to find the right treatment.

Bacterial, fungal, parasitic and viral infections can all cause bumps to form on the skin of your vizsla so getting advice from a vet is often the best option for most people.


Warts are usually harmless growths that can occur on the skin of your vizsla and although they are not painful, they can be itchy for some dogs.

There are a number of different treatments available for warts but most of the time, they will eventually fade away on their own.

Skin tags!

Skin tags are usually harmless growths that can occur on the skin of your vizsla and although they are not painful, they can be itchy for some dogs.

There are a number of different treatments available for skin tags but most people just leave them on their dog as they are generally harmless in most cases.