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10 Reasons A Stray Cat Is Meowing A Lot!

The number of people semi-caring for a stray cat has increased drastically over the last couple of years and although the term “semi-caring” can be a little confusing, it essentially means that someone provides a stray cat with food and water but the cat still lives outdoors and is free to go and do what it likes.

Although many people initially got involved in semi-caring for a stray cat to try and be nice, there are a number of downsides to having a stray cat near your home.

One of the ones that we see the most people asking about is what to do about a stray cat meowing a lot near their home, especially during the night.

The most important thing to work out is why the stray cat is actually meowing a lot as different causes of the meowing often need different treatments to correct the problem.

This is why we decided to publish this article going over our main reasons why so many people have problems with a stray cat meowing near their home.

Why A Stray Cat Is Meowing A Lot!

We have our short list of why a stray cat may be meowing a lot below, we will also be covering each of them as well as how to prevent them throughout the rest of the article too:-

  • Hunger!
  • Bad Weather!
  • Stress And Anxiety!
  • Thirst!
  • The Stray Cat Is In Pain!
  • Stray Cats Are Mating!
  • Illness!
  • Looking For A Missing Kitten!
  • Parasites!
  • Injury!

In many cases, a stray cat will often be having problems with two, three or more of these potential issues that are causing the stray cat to meow a lot so keep that in mind.


One of the most common reasons why a stray cat will meow a lot is because they are hungry, this is especially true if the meowing increases throughout the day or if the stray cat starts to follow you around when you leave food out for them.

If you think that hunger may be playing a part in why the stray cat is meowing a lot then you should increase the amount of food that you are leaving out for them, we would also recommend getting some higher quality food if possible as it will help the stray cat to stay healthy.

If you have other pets at home, such as dogs or cats, then you may need to feed the stray cat in a separate area to stop them from being bullied or attacked.

Bad Weather!

Another common reason for a stray cat meowing a lot is because of bad weather, this is particularly true if the stray cat does not have access to shelter.

If you think that bad weather may be playing a part in why the stray cat is meowing then you should try and provide them with some kind of shelter, this could be anything from a cardboard box to a purpose-built cat house.

If the stray cat is meowing and trying to get into your home then you should try and provide them with a litter tray so they can use your home as a toilet, this will also help to stop them from making too much of a mess.

Most people focus on rain and cold when they think of bad weather but extreme heat can also be a problem when it comes to cats so keep that in mind as well.

Stress And Anxiety!

A lot of people do not realize this but cats can actually suffer from stress and anxiety, just like us humans.

There are a number of different reasons why a cat may suffer from stress or anxiety but the most common ones are changes in their environment, such as moving location or the addition of a new pet to your home, and changes in their routine, or issues to the landscape changing such as a bush they like to use to shelter being removed.

If you think that stress or anxiety may be playing a part in why the stray cat is meowing then you should try and provide them with a safe place to hide if possible.


Another common reason for a stray cat meowing is because they are thirsty, this is particularly true if the meowing starts suddenly or if the stray cat seems to be meowing more than usual.

If you think that thirst may be playing a part in why the stray cat is meowing then you should try and provide them with some fresh water, we would also recommend getting a cat water fountain as they are designed to encourage cats to drink more.

Cats can be surprisingly picky when it comes to drinking so it is not uncommon for a pet cat to want to try and find the cleanest possible water source to drink that it can.

Even if there are water sources available, a stray cat that is thirsty may still reject them due to it being dirty water.

The Stray Cat Is In Pain!

One of the less common reasons for a stray cat meowing is because they are in pain, this is usually only the case if the meowing is constant or if the stray cat seems to be in distress.

If you think that pain may be playing a part in why the stray cat is meowing then you should take them to the vet as soon as possible, they will be able to give the stray cat a check-up and see if there are any health issues that need to be addressed.

Cats are very good at hiding when they are in pain so it is important to trust your instincts if you think that something may be wrong.

Stray Cats Are Mating!

One of the more surprising reasons for a stray cat meowing is because they are in heat, this is particularly true if the meowing starts suddenly or if the stray cat seems to be meowing more than usual.

If you think that mating may be playing a part in why the stray cat is meowing then you should try and provide them with a safe place to hide if possible.

Mating season for cats can be a very stressful time so it is important to try and provide them with as much support as you can.


One of the more serious reasons for a stray cat meowing is because they are ill, this is usually only the case if the meowing is constant or if the stray cat seems to be in distress.

If you think that illness may be playing a part in why the stray cat is meowing then you should take them to the vet as soon as possible, they will be able to give the stray cat a check-up and see if there are any health issues that need to be addressed.

Most of the serious illnesses that cats can end up suffering from can commonly have secondary symptoms that can give you a good idea of exactly what’s wrong with the cat due as there being issues with the fur of the cat or open wounds and scabs being on the cat’s skin.

Looking For A Missing Kitten!

A mother cat can frantically meow constantly if she has lost one of her kittens.

Unfortunately, this can be very common for a stray cat, especially in areas with mountain lions or other large predators that may see the kitten as a quick and easy food source.

If you think that a mother cat may be looking for her kitten then you should try and help her if possible, this can be done by either trying to find the kitten yourself or by taking the mother cat to a vet where they will have a better chance of finding the kitten.

A mother cat that is looking for her kitten will usually have a very frantic meow and will be running around frantically trying to find the kitten.

The best way to help a mother cat in this situation is to try and keep her calm and to provide her with some food and water but this will often not work if the mother cat is already stressing out.


One of the more common reasons for a stray cat meowing is because they have parasites, this is usually only the case if the meowing is constant or if the stray cat seems to be in distress.

Both internal and external parasites can be a common reason that a stray cat may meow constantly due to the irritation of the parasites frustrating the stray cat.

Thankfully, there are a number of cheap, easy to use medications available that are excellent for dealing with parasites such as fleas, ticks, and worms in cats that you are able to use.


It can be common for stray cats to end up injured with some injuries being enough to cause the cat to meow constantly for help.

Most injuries that are bad enough to cause a stray cat to meow so much will usually be obvious and should have signs of the injury in the cat.

Even internal injuries with minimal external blood will usually cause the cat to walk in a strange way letting you know that this is the problem.