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5 Reasons Your Cats Fur Looks Separated!

Due to how many people keep a pet cat, we commonly see people reaching out and asking various questions about the problems that they are having with their pet cats.

Many of the questions that we see people asking about their cats are usually simple and easy to fix and thankfully, usually not serious.

Today’s article is a little different though as we have noticed more and more people reaching out to ask questions about why their cat’s fur looks separated recently so we wanted to publish our own article going over the topic.

Our hope is that we are going to be able to help as many of our readers better understand exactly what causes their cat’s fur to look separated as well as what actually causes the condition.

Why Does My Cats Fur Look Separated?

The most common reason that your cat’s fur will look separated with the tips of the fur being stuck together is due to a condition called staring coat.

These are the most common causes of a staring coat in cats but we will cover them all in more detail later in the article:-

  • Sickness
  • Arthritis
  • Stress
  • Age
  • Obesity

Outside of a staring coat, a cat’s fir can also look separated if it is wet but this is usually obvious and easy to see so we will only be focusing on problems with a staring coat for the rest of this article.

What Is A Staring Coat In Cats?

A staring coat is a condition that can affect both dogs and cats but it is much more common in cats than dogs.

The condition can be caused by sickness, arthritis, stress, age, and obesity but the symptom is the same.

The coat of the cat starts to look separated due to a build up of oil and grease on the coat forcing the tips of the fur to join together preventing the natural, smooth look of the cat’s coat from forming up.

A lack of grooming is usually the cause of this and the causes mentioned above are often the reason that your cat is no longer grooming itself as normal.

In some cases, you will be able to groom your cat for it to prevent the separated fur look from taking hold.

Excess grease and oil on the cat can also cause this appearance of the coat being separated even if your cat is trying to groom itself.

Excess grease on your cat is usually much easier to treat though and medication from your local vet will usually be able to help reduce the grease that your pet cat is producing to prevent the separated fur look.

What Causes A Cats Fur To Look Separated?

We will now be taking a more detailed look at the main causes of separated fur in cats to try and help you work out what problem that your pet cat has that is causing the separated fur look.

Please note that some cats can, unfortunately, be suffering from multiple problems at the same time so keep that in mind too.


One of the main reasons that your cat may stop grooming itself as often as normal is due to it being sick.

A simple cold or sickness can make your cat feel lethargic and not want to do anything, including grooming itself.

This can quickly lead to a build up of oil and grease on the coat which will cause the fur to look separated.

If you think that your cat may be sick, then the best course of action is to take it to see your local vet as soon as possible for a check-up and so that they can help treat your cat.


Arthritis is a very common problem in older cats and it can make it very painful for them to move around and groom themselves.

This can then lead to the separated fur look as the oil and grease on the coat are not being removed as often as they should be.

If you think that your cat may have arthritis, then the best course of action is to take it to see your local vet so that they can help diagnose the problem and provide treatment.


Cats can get stressed for many different reasons such as a change in environment, not being able to go outside, or not having enough toys to play with.

This stress can lead to your cat no longer wanting to groom itself as it is too busy worrying about other things.

This can then lead to the separated fur look as the oil and grease on the coat are not being removed as often as they should be.

If you think that your cat may be stressed, then the best course of action is to take it to see your local vet so that they can help diagnose the problem and provide treatment.

Old Age

As cats get older, they can start to slow down and become less active.

This can lead to them no longer wanting to groom themselves as often as they used to and this can then lead to the separated fur look.

If you think that your cat may be getting old, then the best course of action is to take it to see your local vet so that they can help diagnose the problem and provide treatment.


If your cat is obese, then this can lead to it no longer wanting to groom itself as it finds it too difficult to reach all of its fur.

This can then lead to the separated fur look as the oil and grease on the coat are not being removed as often as they should be.

If you think that your cat may be obese, then the best course of action is to take it to see your local vet so that they can help diagnose the problem and provide treatment.

How Can I Prevent My Cat’s Fur From Looking Separated?

There are a few things that you can do to help prevent your cat’s fur from looking separated:

  • Brush your cat’s fur regularly to help remove any excess oil and grease.
  • Make sure that your cat is getting enough exercise as this will help to keep its coat healthy.
  • Feed your cat a healthy diet as this will help to keep its fur healthy.
  • Take your cat to see the vet regularly for check ups and so that any problems can be caught early.

Should I Take My Cat With A Separated Coat To See A Vet?

If you think that your cat may be suffering from any of the problems that we have mentioned above, then the best course of action is to take it to see your local vet as soon as possible.

Your vet will be able to help diagnose the problem and provide treatment to help improve your cat’s condition.


I hope that this has helped to explain some of the main reasons why cats can get separated fur and what you can do to help prevent it. If you have any further questions or concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact your local vet.