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5 Reasons Your Hamster Has Blood In Its Urine And How To Fix It!

The sheer popularity of hamsters causes a large number of people who already have a hamster as well as many people thinking about getting a hamster to reach out and ask for advice on how they should be caring for their pet hamster each month.

Thankfully, most of the questions that we see are not really serious and are often simple things such as what a hamster should eat or how you should set its cage up.

Today is a little different though as we have noticed a large number of people specifically reaching out to ask about why their pet hamster has blood in their urine.

Due to this being a potentially serious problem, we wanted to cover it in an article in more detail but we would really recommend that you seek professional advice from a veterinarian if possible.

Is It Normal For Hamsters To Have Blood In Their Urine?

It is not normal for a hamster to have blood in their urine and it is usually a symptom of a potentially serious problem that really does need to be treat quickly.

Although the most common cause of blood in hamster urine can usually be treat quickly, there are a number of less common causes that can actually be fatal to your hamster and are very difficult and sometimes impossible to treat.

Why Does My Hamster Have Blood In Its Urine?

Here is a quick summary of the most common reasons that a hamster may have blood in its urine and we will cover each of them in more detail below:-

  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
  • Bladder Stones
  • Cancer
  • Kidney Disease
  • Diabetes

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

The most common reason for finding blood in your hamster’s urine is that it has a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).

These are caused when bacteria enters the hamster’s urinary tract and starts to multiply.

The infection can cause irritation and inflammation of the bladder which can lead to blood being present in the urine.

UTI’s are most commonly seen in female hamsters as they have a much shorter urinary tract which makes it easier for bacteria to enter and multiply.

The good news is that UTI’s can be treated quite easily with a course of antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian.

Bladder Stones

Another common reason for finding blood in your hamster’s urine is that it has bladder stones.

Bladder stones are small lumps that form in the bladder and are usually made up of minerals such as calcium.

They can range in size from a few millimetres to a few centimetres and can cause irritation and inflammation of the bladder which can lead to blood being present in the urine.

Bladder stones can be treated with a course of antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian but they may also need to be surgically removed if they do not respond to treatment.


Cancer is a less common reason for finding blood in your hamster’s urine but it is still something that you should be aware of.

There are a number of different types of cancer that can affect hamsters and one of the most common is bladder cancer.

Bladder cancer can cause irritation and inflammation of the bladder which can lead to blood being present in the urine.

Cancer is usually treated with surgery but may also require a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy depending on the type and stage of the cancer.

Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a less common reason for finding blood in your hamster’s urine but it is still something that you should be aware of.

Kidney disease can cause the kidneys to become inflamed and can lead to blood being present in the urine.

Kidney disease is usually treated with a course of antibiotics prescribed by your veterinarian but may also require surgery or a special diet.


Diabetes is a less common reason for finding blood in your hamster’s urine but it is still something that you should be aware of.

Diabetes can cause the kidneys to become inflamed and can lead to blood being present in the urine.

Diabetes is usually treated with a course of insulin injections prescribed by your veterinarian but may also require a special diet.

How Do I Treat A Hamster With Blood In Its Urine?

If you find blood in your hamster’s urine then it is important to take it to your veterinarian for a check-up.

They will be able to diagnose the cause of the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In most cases, the cause of blood in urine can be treated quite easily but there are a few less common causes that can be more serious.

If you think that your hamster may have a UTI then the best course of action is to take it to your veterinarian for a check-up.

They will be able to prescribe a course of antibiotics which should clear up the infection within a few days.

If you think that your hamster may have bladder stones then the best course of action is to take it to your veterinarian for a check-up.

They will be able to prescribe a course of antibiotics which may clear up the stones or they may need to be surgically removed.

If you think that your hamster may have cancer then the best course of action is to take it to your veterinarian for a check-up.

They will be able to refer you to a specialist who can diagnose and treat the cancer.

If you think that your hamster may have kidney disease then the best course of action is to take it to your veterinarian for a check-up.

They will be able to prescribe a course of antibiotics which may clear up the infection or they may need to be put on a special diet.

If you think that your hamster may have diabetes then the best course of action is to take it to your veterinarian for a check-up.

They will be able to prescribe a course of insulin injections which should help to control the diabetes.

When To See A Veterinarian?

If you find blood in your hamster’s urine then it is important to take it to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

They will be able to carry out some tests to find out the underlying cause and will then be able to recommend the best course of treatment.

Blood in a hamster’s urine can be a sign of a number of different medical conditions, some of which can be quite serious. If you see blood in your hamster’s urine, it is important to take it to see a veterinarian as soon as possible so that they can carry out some tests and find out the underlying cause. They will then be able to recommend the best course of treatment.