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Are Bearded Dragon Tongues Sticky?

After publishing our article going over why a bearded dragon will have its tongue out, we noticed a number of people asking questions about their bearded dragon’s tongue.

One of the more common questions that we did see people asking is if bearded dragon tongues are sticky or not.

There is so much misinformation out there about a bearded dragon’s tongue being sticky so we wanted to publish our own article going over the topic to try and help our readers.

A bearded dragon does not have a sticky tongue like a chameleon does but in some situations, the saliva of a bearded dragon can thicken up and become more sticky than usual.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon’s Tongue Not Sticky?

The vast majority of the time, a bearded dragon’s tongue will not be sticky at all.

There are however, a few conditions that can cause your bearded dragon’s saliva to become more thick and sticky than usual.

One such condition is dehydration, if your bearded dragon isn’t getting enough water then their saliva can become very thick and sticky.

Another condition that can cause this is an infection, if your bearded dragon has an infection in their mouth then this can also lead to a sticky tongue.

You can usually tell if the problem is due to an infection as the saliva on your bearded dragons tongue will usually be white or have a tint of green in it.

In both of these cases, we would advise taking your bearded dragon to see a vet as soon as possible.

But My Friends Bearded Dragon Has A Sticky Tounge!

There are a few different species of animals that do have sticky tongues, such as chameleons and some frogs but bearded dragons are not one of them.

The vast majority of the time, if you see a bearded dragon with a sticky tongue it is because they are either dehydrated or they have an infection.

However, there are a few exceptions to this rule.

Some bearded dragons, particularly younger ones, can produce more saliva than others.

This isn’t anything to worry about and is perfectly normal but it can make their tongue appear sticky even when they are healthy.

You also have the dehydration and infection problems that we covered earlier in the article too that may cause your bearded dragon to have a sticky tounge but this is not normal.

What Should A Bearded Dragons Tongue Look Like?

A healthy bearded dragons tongue should be pink in color and relatively wet looking.

If you notice that your bearded dragons tongue is starting to look dry or cracked then this is usually a sign of dehydration and you should increase the amount of water that they are drinking.

As we mentioned earlier, an infection can also cause your bearded dragons tongue to change color and it may start to look white or have a green tint to it.

If you notice any changes in the appearance of your bearded dragons tongue then we would advise taking them to see a vet as soon as possible.

What Do Bearded Dragons Use Their Tongues For?

Bearded dragons use their tongues for a number of different things, the most notable of which is smell.

Bearded dragons have a very keen sense of smell and they use their tongue to help them locate food.

They will also use their tongue to taste test food before they eat it, this helps them to determine if the food is safe to eat or not.

Bearded dragons will also use their tongue to groom themselves, they will often lick their own scales clean as well as any dirt or debris that may be on them.


In short, a healthy bearded dragons tongue should not be sticky at all.

The vast majority of the time, if a bearded dragon has a sticky tongue it is because they are either dehydrated or they have an infection.

If you notice any changes in the appearance of your bearded dragons tongue then we would advise taking them to see a vet as soon as possible.