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Can A Chicken Lay More Than One Egg A Day?

One of the biggest pluses of raising chickens is that they can lay eggs. The larger your flock, the more eggs you’ll end up with daily.

But how exactly do you gauge the number of eggs your flock will produce in 24 hours? Even if you only have a single hen, you’ll still want to know its egg production rate so you know how many eggs to expect each day.

Generally, when it comes to the number of eggs that chicken can lay daily, the common answer is one. However, this answer is a bit of a myth because a hen can go some days without laying an egg. But, can a chicken lay more than one egg a day?

This is a common question since eggs are a popular commodity. The more eggs a chicken can lay, the merrier!

The short answer is that, yes, it’s possible for a chicken to lay more than one egg a day. But it all depends on various factors, and it’s not a common thing, so it’s good to manage your expectations.

Read on to find out all you need to know about your chicken’s egg-laying potential.

Can a Chicken Lay More than One Egg a Day?

To begin with, it’s common to hear that eggs usually lay one egg per day. However, this isn’t true because normal egg production for chicken is a bit slower than that. More often than not, you’ll find chickens laying an egg every other day.

The good news is, hens can also produce more than one egg per day. The bad news is, this is not as common as most people would like.

It all boils down to chicken biology. The truth is, an egg typically takes between 24 and 26 hours to form. The process is quite involved.

The egg yolk is first released into the reproductive system, and then it’s fertilized as it moves through the oviduct. The egg white is deposited, and finally, a shell forms around the egg.

The egg moves through the hen’s reproductive system until it reaches the point where it’s laid. Another reason it’s less likely for a chicken to lay more than one egg per day is that once it lays an egg, the cycle to lay another egg doesn’t start immediately.

Combine this with the 24 hour plus egg formation cycle, and you’ll see how rare it is for a chicken to lay more than one egg per day.

Can a Chicken Lay 2 Eggs at Once?

So, we have established that it’s a struggle for a chicken to even lay one egg per day. But some people still want to push their luck and find out if a chicken can lay two eggs at once. Surprisingly, the answer is yes.

Sometimes, two yolks get released into the oviduct, though this is an even rarer occurrence. What’s more, the second egg might not even be fully formed.

In other instances, the two yolks will not form into two separate eggs. Instead, the yolks become encapsulated in one shell, which is how you end up with a double-yolked egg.

Now that we have established that hens can sometimes lay two eggs at once, you may want to know the secret behind this prolificness. Usually, this happens with hens that are either young or overfed.

A young and well-fed hen is likely to have a healthier reproductive system. Also, a hen’s reproductive system is influenced by light exposure. That’s why chickens are more likely to lay 2 eggs at once in summer rather than winter.

Overall, if conditions are optimum, a chicken can lay two eggs in one go, but that’s the limit. Two eggs is a possibility, and three or more is somewhat of a myth.

How Many Eggs Can a Chicken Lay in A Week?

Research shows that a chicken can lay between 180 and 320 eggs each year. Given this number, it’s easier to estimate how many eggs a chicken can lay in a week.

So, when you do the math and divide the figures by the number of weeks in a year (52), you find that chickens can lay as little as 3.5 eggs or as much as 6 eggs per week. If you’re going by the one egg per day policy, it means the chicken will lay seven eggs a week.

There’s no exact answer because the laying pattern varies, especially with the seasons. So, one week you could get up to six or even seven eggs, and the next, you get just four.

As mentioned, you can expect to get more eggs in summer when the hens are exposed to plenty of sunlight. In winter, the days get shorter, causing a drop in egg production. Egg production also slows when a hen is molting.

The energy goes towards growing new feathers, but the hen tends to start producing eggs faster once the molting process is over.

How Can I Get a Chicken to Lay More Eggs?

There are several ways to make sure you get more eggs out of a chicken. For the best odds, get a chicken breed that excels at egg production, such as the White Leghorn or the Bantam Mille Fleur.

If it’s winter, provide your chickens with artificial light to mimic daylight conditions. In addition, the chicken needs to receive proper nutrition.

Chickens need a certain amount of protein to lay more eggs. This is why keepers are discouraged from feeding their chickens treats.

Otherwise, if a chicken eats too many table scraps, it won’t have much room to tuck into its layer feed. There are other ways to keep your chicken happy, like making sure it’s not sick, injured, or exposed to stressors.

It’s especially important for chickens to have a spacious environment. However, there’s only so much you can do to boost egg production in a chicken.

It’s easier to be more successful if the hen is still maturing. As the chicken ages, the egg production rate will naturally slow down.


To conclude, the answer to “Can a chicken lay more than one egg per day?” is yes. More specifically, a chicken can lay two eggs at once. But keep in mind that it’s rare for a chicken to lay more than one egg per day. You can increase laying frequency by starting with the right breed, exposing the chicken to more sunlight, feeding it enough protein, and keeping it happy.