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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

Bearded dragons are one of the most commonly kept reptiles on the planet right now with more and more reptile keepers starting to add a bearded dragon to their family each year.

With bearded dragons being so popular, we commonly see people reaching out and asking what foods they should and should not feed their bearded dragons and more recently, we have seen a spike in the number of people asking about feeding their pet bearded dragons apples.

Bearded dragons can eat apples because they are a highly nutritious bearded dragon friendly fruit and this type of fruit is a key part of any bearded dragon’s natural diet.

In the wild, bearded dragons will eat a variety of fruits, but rarely apples due to it being difficult for a bearded dragon to eat a fresh apple and the chances of another animal eating the apple first being so high.

Still, in captivity, a pet bearded dragon can eat apples with no problems at all and can even benefit from the many nutrients and vitamins that are found in apples.

Just like with any other food, however, you should only feed your bearded dragon apples in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet to ensure that your bearded dragon stays healthy and does not become overweight.

Are Apples Nutritious For Bearded Dragons?

When it comes to the nutritional benefits of apples for bearded dragons, this fruit is a key source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and other essential nutrients that can help keep your bearded dragon healthy and happy.

In addition, apples also contain antioxidants which can help protect your bearded dragon from harmful toxins and diseases.

Overall, feeding your bearded dragon apples can be a great way to supplement their diet with additional nutrients and vitamins, but you should always feed them in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet.

If you have any concerns about feeding your bearded dragon apples, be sure to speak with a qualified reptile veterinarian for more advice.

In addition to apples, you can also feed your bearded dragon other fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Oranges.
  • Strawberries.
  • Watermelon.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Bell Peppers.
  • Kale.
  • Broccoli.

Are Apples Safe For Bearded Dragons?

Provided you only feed your bearded dragon apples in moderation and make sure that you cut the apple into small pieces, your pet bearded dragon should be fine to have them in their diet.

Apples that are store bought for human consumption are usually safe for a bearded dragon to eat and present a low risk to your pet.

Pesticides can be harmful to bearded dragons and can cause a variety of health problems. It is important to only feed your bearded dragon apples that are pesticide free to avoid any potential health risks.

Apples that are bought in stores for human consumption are usually safe for a bearded dragon to eat, but it is always best to check the label but still be sure to wash them.

Apples that you find yourself in the wild may have herbicides or pesticides on them so we would usually recommend that you don’t feed them to your pet bearded dragon.

Still, if you peel the skin off the apple and wash it thoroughly, it may be safe for your bearded dragon to eat.

Should You Dice And Apple For A Bearded Dragon?

When it comes to feeding apples to your bearded dragon, it is important that you dice them into small pieces.

This is because an un-diced apple can be difficult for a bearded dragon to eat and can present a choking hazard. In addition, large pieces of apple can also cause your bearded dragon to become overweight if they eat too many.

This is why many reptile keepers who have an omnivorous pet like a bearded dragon will usually share an apple with their pet. This can be a fun way for your bearded dragon to experience different fruits and can also help to bond with your pet beardie.

When dicing an apple for your bearded dragon, make sure that they are easily able to fit into your pet bearded dragon’s mouth.

We have seen people on social media recommend that you strictly cut your apple to a set size but depending on the age of your bearded dragon, its mouth and throat can be very different sizes so always cut the apple relative to the size of your pet.

What Happens If A Bearded Dragon Eats An Apple?

If your bearded dragon does eat an apple, you may notice that their feces become softer than usual. This is because the extra fiber in the apple can help to bulk up their stool and make it easier for them to pass.

While this is not usually a cause for concern, if you notice that your bearded dragon’s stool is very watery or runny, then you should take them to see a reptile veterinarian as soon as possible.

This can be a sign of dehydration which can be very dangerous for a bearded dragon and apples will not be able to help prevent this.

If your bearded dragon is having trouble passing stool, you can try giving them apples to help. Apples are a good source of fiber which can help to bulk up the stool and make it easier for your bearded dragon to pass.

Although there are some medications available to help deal with constipation for a bearded dragon, apples tend to be much easier to get your bearded dragon to eat.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apple Cores And Seeds?

The short answer to this is no, bearded dragons should not eat apple cores or seeds. This is because the seeds of an apple can contain cyanide which can be toxic to a bearded dragon. In addition, the core of an apple can be very hard and can present a choking hazard for your pet.

You should always feed your bearded dragon the fleshy part of the apple and avoid giving them the seeds or the core. If you are unsure how to dice an apple for your bearded dragon, there are many great tutorials available online that can show you how.

For the most part though, just pretend that you are preparing an apple for a human baby to eat. The parts of the apple you would use and the size you would cut the apple to are often similar but most people will still often choose to cut their apple down to an even smaller size for their bearded dragon.

How Much Apple Can A Bearded Dragon Eat?

As with most fruits and vegetables, we recommend that you only feed your bearded dragon a small amount of apple.

This is because apples are relatively high in sugar which can lead to weight gain for your pet if they eat too much so. A good rule of thumb is to offer your bearded dragon no more than 10% of their diet in the form apples.

Still, this is controversial and some bearded dragon keepers do recommend that you keep the total apple consumption to around 5% of their diet. This can help to prevent weight gain and can also help to reduce the risk of your bearded dragon developing diabetes.

At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide how much apple you want to feed your bearded dragon. Just make sure that you are monitoring their weight and overall health and adjust their diet accordingly.

It is key to stick to a varied diet though so that your bearded dragon can get all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

How Often Should You Feed Your Bearded Dragons Apples?

Due to the sugar content of apples, we usually recommend that you only feed your bearded dragon a small apple treat once or twice per week at the absolute maximum. This can help to prevent weight gain and can also help to keep their blood sugar levels from getting too high.

Most importantly though, this allows you to stick to the 5% to 10% rule for the amount of apple that your pet bearded dragon eats. It is usually a bad idea to give your bearded dragon all of its weekly apple allowance on a single day too due to the potential risks with the sugar.

Thankfully, apple will stay fresh in a refidgerator for around a week so you can easily store them and give your bearded dragon their weekly allowance over the course of 7 days. As always, make sure that you wash the apple before feeding it to your bearded dragon.

This helps to remove any pesticides or other chemicals that may be present on the skin of the fruit. We also recommend peeling the

Do Bearded Dragons Like To Eat Apples?

Bearded dragons tend to really enjoy eating apples with apple being a very popular bearded dragon treat that a huge number of bearded dragon keepers choose to give to their pets. This is because apples are relatively sweet and can be a delicious treat for your pet.

In addition, the texture of apples can be perfect for a bearded dragon as they can easily bite into them and eat them without any problems.

You can usually dice an apple up into very small parts and sprinkle it over other suitable bearded dragon foods to get your pet to eat them too. This can be a great way to introduce new foods to your bearded dragon as they can get a little taste of the apple without having to eat too much of it.

If your pet bearded dragon is on medication from a veterinarian then you can often use apple slices to help get your bearded dragon to take its medication too.

Simply place the medication on a small slice of apple and offer it to your bearded dragon. Due to the sweet taste of the apple, most bearded dragons will not notice the medication and will eat the entire slice without any problems.

Do You Have To Peel Apples For Bearded Dragons?

No, you don’t have to peel apples for bearded dragons but we recommend that you do as it can help to reduce the chances of your pet getting sick.

This is because the skin of apples can often be covered in pesticides and other chemicals which can be harmful to your bearded dragon if they eat too much of it.

If you choose not to peel the apple for your bearded dragon then you should at least wash it with cool water to help remove any pesticides or other chemicals that may be present on the skin.

We also recommend removing the seeds from the apple as they can be a choking hazard for your pet and can also be poisonous if eaten in large quantities.

There is a valid argument for just leaving the skin of the apple on and washing it due to the nutrients in the skin of an apple being beneficial to your bearded dragon.

This is a decision that you will need to make based on your own personal preferences and risk tolerance for your bearded dragon though.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Yellow Or Red Apples?

Both yellow apples and red apples can be fed to your bearded dragon in addition to the more common green apples. Some bearded dragons tend to prefer the taste of the yellow or red apples over green apples due to the green ones often being a little sour.

Still, each color of apple has a number of different types of apple within it that all have their own unique tastes. For example, a Granny Smith apple is going to taste very different from a Golden Delicious apple even though they are both green apples.

This means that you will need to experiment with different types of apples to see which ones your bearded dragon prefers the most. It is also worth noting that the nutritional content of yellow and red apples can be slightly higher but due to their lack of popularity in some areas, they can be more difficult to get.

What Are The Potential Drawbacks Of Feeding Bearded Dragons Apples?

While apples can be a nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet, there are some potential drawbacks to feeding them apples. For one, un-diced apples can be difficult for bearded dragons to eat and can present a choking hazard.

Additionally, large pieces of apple can also cause bearded dragons to become overweight if they eat too many and some apples can have pesticides or herbicides on them.

Most bearded dragon owners will tell you that apples are one of their favorite treat foods to give to their pet beardie and that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. We have to agree with this statement too as although there are some drawbacks to feeding your bearded dragon apples, if the correct precautions are taken, they are generally safe.