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Can Rats Eat Olives?

Keeping rats as pets is continuing to grow in popularity with each year that goes by due to people on social media sharing photographs and videos of their pet rats showing how cute they can actually be.

With there being a large number of people new to keeping pet rats out there right now, we see a range of different questions being asked from the rat owning community with many of the questions being about the diet of pet rats.

One of the more common questions that we have seen people asking recently is about the various treats that you are able to feed your pet rat.

A number of people have recently been asking about if rats can eat olives so we have decided to publish a dedicated article on the topic as there is a large amount of misinformation on social media shared by people about giving your rats olives to eat.

Now, before we go any further, we feel that small pet treats are one of the best treat options for rats.

Not only have they been specifically designed as a treat food for small pets such as rats but they are more nutritionally complete too helping to ensure that your pet rat gets as many vitamins and minerals as possible in their diet.

Can Rats Eat Olives?

Although rats can and will eat olives if you offer them to your pet rat, their sodium (salt) content is generally considered to be too high to be used on a regular basis within your rat’s diet.

Too much sodium in your rat’s diet can cause a number of potential health problems so we usually recommend that you avoid giving olives to your pet rat.

One olive on a rare occasion shouldn’t cause any problems though so if you do want to try olives with your pet rat, feel free to give your rat a small slice of olive to see how they will take it.

Due to their strong taste and smell, some rats simply won’t even consider eating an olive if you give it to them and will just ignore them.

There are actually 26 different types of olive with some having lower sodium quantities than others but even the olive variants that do have lower sodium as usually considered to be too high for rats.

Alfonso olives and lugano olives do tend to be more popular with rats than other variants though but even then, a large number of rats will still ignore the olives.

Nutritional Benefits Of Olives For Rats!

Although olives are usually considered to be too high in sodium and fat to be used as a treat option for rats, they are still a good source of vitamin E, iron, copper, and calcium.

They usually have too little carbohydrate and protein to be used as a balanced treat for your rats on a regular basis too.

Technically, if you are able to get the olives direct from the farmer before they are added to the jar with saltwater their sodium content will be much lower.

This is not a realistic option for the majority of our readers though and they will usually be using storebought olives for the most part.

Even if you do get your olives directly from the farmer or you grow your own olives they are usually still too high in fat content too while also being too low in carbohydrates and protein.

This is why we recommend that you avoid giving your pet rats olives if possible as there are plenty of better alternatives.

Alternatives To Olives For Rats!

There are a huge number of alternatives to olives for rats with various types of fruit and vegetables being great options as well as a number of different types of animal meat too.

Peanut butter is also an underrated treat for rats that proves to be very common due to rats really enjoying it while also offering plenty of vitamins and minerals too.

As we mentioned back at the start of the article, we usually recommend that you offer your pet rats small pet treats as a treat food if possible.

They tend to be better when it comes to their nutritional profile for your pet rat while also having less risk to your rat too.

A popular yet underrated treat for rats that is a great alternative to olives are pumpkin seeds or peas. You are also able to try a number of other different food types are treats for your rats too if you don’t carry some commercial rat treats.


That brings our article going over if rats can eat olives or not to an end. We hope that you have found our article helpful and that we have been able to point out the various potential risks to your rat if you feed them olives. As we have mentioned multiple times, olives tend to be too high in sodium and fat to be used as a regular treat for your pet rat with there being so many other, better treat options available for your rat.