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Can You Keep Harlequin Rasboras And Neon Tetras In The Same Tank?

Neon tetras have been one of the most commonly kept fish species within the species for literally decades and in recent years, harlequin rasboras have also started to become increasingly popular.

It is only natural that people would start to consider keeping harlequin rasboras and neon tetras in the same tank as each other as both fish look excellent and are great fish to keep.

Due to this, we wanted to publish our own article going over if you should keep harlequin rasboras and neon tetras in the same tank as each other or not.

Our goal is to try and not only help our readers better understand the advantages and disadvantages of keeping harlequin rasboras and neon tetras together as well as some tips and tricks on how you should go about setting your tank up.

Do Harlequin Rasboras And Neon Tetras Get Along?

The main thing that most people consider when keeping harlequin rasboras and neon tetras together is whether or not these two fish species actually get along with each other.

From our own experiences as well as doing our own research, we have come to the conclusion that yes, harlequin rasboras and neon tetras do get along with each other just fine in most aquarium setups.

The biggest thing that you need to consider when keeping harlequin rasboras and neon tetras together is their different size as harlequin rasboras are around half an inch longer than neon tetras when fully grown.

Although this does not mean that there will be issues with aggression in the tank, it does mean that you will usually need to go with a larger aquarium tank size for the fish.

What Size Tank Do You Need For Harlequin Rasboras And Neon Tetras?

Both harlequin rasboras and neon tetras can work in a 10 gallon aquarium when kept in a species specific tank but when keeping harlequin rasboras and neon tetras in the same tank, you should usually look to go with a 20 gallon tank as a minimum.

This will allow both species all of the swimming and schooling space that the need. Some schools of harlequin rasboras can use the sentry method where the larger males are on the outsides of the school and they may nip the fins of other fish that get close to them.

To remove the risk of this, we would recommend that you go with a 30 gallon aquarium if possible as it drastically reduces the chances of your harlequin rasboras nipping the fins of your neon tetras.

A 10 gallon tank is too small to keep harlequin rasboras and neon tetras in it at the same time though as you usually need to keep multiple fish of each species in the tank to maintain a minimum schooling size.

If you don’t keep enough neon tetras in the tank or the tank is too heavily stocks, the fish can end up stressed and anxious resulting in your neon tetra not eating that can cause serious health problems in your fish.

How Many Harlequin Rasboras And Neon Tetras Should You Keep In A Single Tank?

As we briefly mentioned above, it is very important that you maintain a certain stocking density in your aquarium to ensure that your fish are not only happy with their living conditions but also to help reduce the chances of aggression.

The rule of thumb that we like to use when stocking our freshwater aquariums with schooling fish is to keep a minimum of 6 of the species in the tank.

For a tank that will contain harlequin rasboras and neon tetras, this means that you will keep at least 6 harlequin rasboras and 6 neon tetras to keep the fish calm and allow them to school s they wish.

The larger your aquarium tank, the more fish you are able to add to your setup but we would recommend that you try to keep the number of each species in the tank around equal if possible.

This means that if you do have a larger tank with 15 harlequin rasboras then we would recommend that you have 15 neon tetras if possible too.

Will Harlequin Rasboras And Neon Tetras School Together?

It is very unlikley that harlequin rasboras and neon tetras will school together in the same tank.

This is not to say that it can’t happen in some cases but, more often than not harlequin rasboras and neon tetras will school with their own kind as they prefer the company of fish that look like them.

Do You Need to Add Fish Hides For Harlequin Rasboras And Neon Tetras?

You do not need to add any fish hides for harlequin rasboras and neon tetras as these fish are very social creatures that love swimming out in the open when schooling.

Still, it is nice to provide your fish with options and we would recommend that you add some live or fake plants to the tank if possible.

Adding live plants to your aquarium can offer a wide range of benefits for both you and your fish. Not only do they help to keep the tank clean and looking great, but they also provide a safe and comfortable environment for your fish to live in.

Live plants can help to reduce stress in fish, especially when kept in a school, and can also help to oxygenate the water which is great for your fish’s health.

Another popular option is rocks or driftwood which can offer a similar effect as live plants and can also help to create a more natural looking aquarium.

When adding rocks or driftwood to your tank, make sure that you do your research first as some materials can release harmful toxins into the water that can harm or even kill your fish.

Summary Of Keeping Harlequin Rasbora And Neon Tetra In The Same Tank!

It is important to keep a minimum of 6 of the species in the tank to ensure that your fish are not only happy with their living conditions but also to help reduce the chances of aggression.

The larger your aquarium tank, the more fish you are able to add to your setup

Harlequin rasboras and neon tetras will school with their own kind as they prefer the company of fish that look like them.

You do not need to add any fish hides for harlequin rasboras and neon tetras as these fish are very social creatures that love swimming out in the open when schooling.

Adding live plants to your aquarium can offer a wide range of benefits for both you and your fish. Not only do they help to keep the tank clean and looking great, but they also provide a safe and comfortable environment for your fish to live in.


We hope that this article has helped you to understand a little more about keeping harlequin rasboras and neon tetras in the same tank. If you have any further questions or comments please don’t hesitate to leave them below!