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Cat Hair In My Eye – What You Need To Do!

With cats being the second most commonly kept type of animal in the west where most of our readers live, we constantly see people reaching out with various questions telling us that they have cat hair in their eye and asking what they should do.

Most of the time it’s not a big deal and you should easily be able to get the cat hair out of your eye. However, in some cases cat hair can cause irritation or even infection.

So, in this article, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about what to do if you find cat hair in your eye.

Please note, in some cases, you may have to see your doctor or do to a drop in center to have a nurse remove the cat hair for you.

Although this may sound like you are over doing it, it can be very difficult to actually get the cat hair out of your eye so you may require professional assistance!

Can You Get Cat Hair In Your Eyes?

The answer to this question is unfortunately, yes.

If you have a cat that sheds a lot, then you are likely familiar with the tiny black or white hairs that seem to be everywhere! Not only are they on your clothes, but they also float through the air and can easily end up in your eye.

While it may seem like a cat’s hair getting in your eye is rare, it’s actually more common than you think. In fact, according to a study done by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, one in every five people have had a foreign object, such as cat hair, in their eye at some point in their life.

The good news is that usually cat hair in your eye is not a big deal and you can easily remove it yourself. However, there are some cases where cat hair can cause more serious problems and you may need to see a doctor.

How Do I Get A Hair Out Of My Eye?

There are a few different ways that you can try to remove cat hair from your eye.

The first method is to try and blink it out. This may seem like a silly method, but often times if you blink a few times, the cat hair will work its way out of your eye on its own.

If blinking does not work, then you can try using a clean piece of cotton to gently remove the cat hair from your eye. Be very careful when doing this so that you do not scratch your eye or push the cat hair further into your eye.

If the cat hair is still not coming out, then you may need to use a sterile saline solution or lubricating eyedrops to help remove the cat hair. To do this, simply put a few drops of the solution or eyedrops into your eye and then blink a few times. This will help to loosen the cat hair and make it easier to remove.

Many people try washing their eye with water to remove cat hair, but this is actually not a good idea. Water can actually cause the cat hair to swell making it even more difficult to get out of your eye.

If you have tried all of these methods and the cat hair still will not come out, then you may need to see a doctor or go to a drop in center to have it removed.

Can Cat Hair In Your Eye Cause Infection?

In most cases, cat hair in your eye is not a big deal and will not cause any serious problems. However, there are some cases where cat hair can lead to infection.

This is more likely to happen if the cat hair scratches your eye or if you have an existing eye condition such as dry eye.

If you develop an infection, then you may notice that your eye is red, swollen, and painful. You may also experience discharge, blurred vision, or a feeling like something is still in your eye even after you have removed the cat hair.

If you develop any of these symptoms, then you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

But I Have Had Cat Hair Stuck In My Eye For Days!

If you have had cat hair in your eye for more than a few days, then you should see a doctor.

While it is rare, cat hair can actually become embedded in your eye and cause serious problems if it is not removed. If the cat hair is not removed, then it can lead to inflammation, scarring, and even vision loss but this is very rare.

The longer the cat hair is stuck in your eye, the more likely it is to cause a number of problems. Getting the cat hair out as soon as possible is always the best course of action but if you have had the cat hair stuck in your eye for a couple of days, you may need some medication or eye drops once it is removed.

What If I Start To Have An Allergic Reaction To The Cat Hair?

While it is rare, some people may be allergic to cat hair. If you start to experience an allergic reaction after the cat hair has come into contact with your eye, then you should see a doctor right away.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction include redness, swelling, itching, and burning. You may also experience discharge, blurred vision, or a feeling like something is still in your eye even after you have removed the cat hair.

Can You Get Pink Eye From Cat Hair?

If you have cat hair in your eye, then you may be wondering if you can get pink eye from it. The answer is yes, but it is very rare.

Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is an infection of the eye that can be caused by a number of different things including bacteria, viruses, and allergies with some of these sometimes being common on cat hair.