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Feeding Mice To Cats – Is It Even Worth It?

With raw feeding dogs and other pets becoming increasingly popular, more and more people are also starting to raw feed or wild feed their pet cats too.

Although this practise can offer a number of benefits to your pet cat, there are also a number of potential drawbacks with this diet that often worry people who keep cats.

Rightly so, we see a number of questions about raw feeding or wild feeding a domesticated cat each month with a wide range of different questions commonly being asked time and time again.

One question that we have noticed more and more people asking about recently is about feeding mice to cats be it live, dead, or frozen.

We don’t usually recommend that you live feed a pet cat a mouse as this can be cruel and may be breaking the law in your local area but dead or frozen mice (once thawed) that are intended for reptiles to eat can be suitable for pet cats to eat in some conditions.

Is It Safe to Feed Mice To Cats?

The quick answer to this question is that yes, feeding mice to cats is perfectly safe as long they are properly prepared, and the cat in question is not allergic to them.

That being said, there are a number of things that you need to take into account before offering your pet cat a mouse as part of their diet including:

The Size of the Mouse

The first thing that you need to consider is the size of the mouse in question as feeding a pet cat a mouse that is too large for them could cause them some serious health problems.

Ideally, you should only be feeding your pet cat mice that are no larger than their head as any larger than this and there is a risk that they could choke on the mouse or that it could cause them an intestinal blockage.

The Age of the Mouse

Another thing that you need to take into account is the age of themouse as feeding a pet cat a mouse that is too young or too old could also cause them some health problems.

Ideally, you should only be feeding your pet cat mice that are between 3 and 6 weeks old as any younger than this and they could contain harmful bacteria, and any older than this and they may not have the correct nutritional balance for your pet cat.

The Type of Mouse

Another thing to consider is the type of mouse in question as there are a number of different types of mouse that you could potentially feed to your pet cat including:

Wild Mice – These are the type of mice that you are most likely to encounter if you live in an area with a large number of them. They can be a little more difficult to catch but are generally considered to be the best type of mouse to feed to a pet cat.

Farm Mice – These are the type of mice that are usually bred for reptile food but can also be suitable for pet cats. They are generally a little easier to catch than wild mice but may not be as nutritious.

Pet Mice – These are the type of mice that you may keep as pets yourself. They can be suitable for pet cats but you need to be careful as they may have been treated with chemicals that could be harmful to your pet cat.

The Condition Of The Mouse

Another thing to consider is the condition of the mouse in question as a mouse that is sick or injured may not be suitable for your pet cat to eat.

Ideally, you should only be feeding your pet cat mice that are healthy and free from any injuries or illnesses.

If you are unsure whether or not a mouse is suitable for your pet cat to eat then it is always best to err on the side of caution and not feed it to them.

The Preparation Of The Mouse

Finally, you need to consider the preparation of the mouse as this can be just as important as anything else.

Ideally, you should be feeding your pet cat mice that have been killed humanely and then frozen as this will help to kill any potential parasites or bacteria that could be harmful to them.

You should also make sure that the mouse is thawed properly before feeding it to your pet cat as feeding them a frozen mouse could cause them some health problems.

Once you have considered all of these things, you should be able to decide whether or not feeding a mouse to your pet cat is the right thing to do.

If you do decide to feed them a mouse then you should make sure that it is properly prepared and that you are monitoring them closely to make sure that they do not have any adverse reactions to it.

Do Cats Like The Taste Of Mice?

The simple answer to this question is that some cats do and some cats don’t.

There is no single answer to this question as it really depends on the individual cat in question.

Some cats seem to really enjoy the taste of mice and will actively seek them out, while others may not be so keen and may only eat them if they are hungry enough.

Ultimately, it really is down to the individual cat and you will need to experiment a little to see whether or not your pet cat likes the taste of mice.

The Advantages Of Feeding Your Cat Mice!

There are a number of advantages to feeding your pet cat mice including:

It is a natural diet – Mice are a natural prey animal for cats and so feeding them to your pet cat is as close as you can get to their natural diet.

It is packed with nutrients – Mice are a good source of protein and other essential nutrients that your pet cat needs to stay healthy.

It can help with weight loss – If your pet cat is overweight then feeding them mice can help them to lose some of that excess weight.

It can be good for their teeth – Chewing on a mouse can help to keep your pet cat’s teeth clean and healthy.

The Disadvantages Of Feeding Your Cat Mice!

There are also a few disadvantages to feeding your pet cat mice including:

The risk of parasites – Mice can carry parasites that could potentially be passed on to your pet cat.

The risk of disease – Mice can also carry diseases that could be passed on to your pet cat.

It can be messy – Feeding your pet cat mice can be a messy business so you need to be prepared for that.

It can be smelly – Mice can also be quite smelly so you need to be prepared for that too!

As you can see, there are both advantages and disadvantages to feeding your pet cat mice.

You will need to weigh up these pros and cons to decide whether or not it is the right decision for you and your pet cat.

If you do decide to feed your pet cat mice then you should make sure that they are healthy and free from parasites or diseases.

You should also be prepared for the mess and the smell that comes with it!

How Many Mice Should I Feed My Cat?

This is another difficult question to answer as it really depends on a number of factors including the age, size and health of your pet cat.

Ideally, you should speak to your veterinarian for advice on how many mice you should be feeding your pet cat.

They will be able to give you specific advice based on the individual needs of your pet cat.

In general, you should start by feeding your pet cat one mouse per week and then increase or decrease the amount depending on their needs.

You should also make sure that the mice you are feeding them are properly prepared and free from parasites or diseases.

Monitor your pet cat closely to make sure they are not having any adverse reactions to the mice and speak to your veterinarian if you have any concerns.

Feeding your pet cat mice can be a great way to provide them with a natural diet that is packed with essential nutrients.

It can also help with weight loss and keep their teeth clean and healthy.

However, there are also some risks involved so you need to weigh up the pros and cons before you decide whether or not it is the right decision for you and your pet cat.

If you do decide to feed your pet cat mice then make sure that they are healthy and free from parasites or diseases.

Be prepared for the mess and the smell that comes with it and monitor your pet cat closely for any adverse reactions.

What Parts Of A Mouse Does A Cat Not Eat?

Cats will typically eat all parts of a mouse including the fur, bones, organs and meat.

However, there may be some occasions where your pet cat does not eat all parts of the mouse.

For example, if the mouse is very old or sick then your pet cat may not want to eat the fur or bones.

Or, if your pet cat is not feeling well then they may only eat the meat and not the organs.

Many cats will leave the gizzard of the mouce too.


Feeding your pet cat mice can be a controversial topic but it is ultimately down to you to decide whether or not it is the right thing to do.

If you do decide to feed them mice then you should make sure that they are healthy and prepared properly to avoid any potential problems.