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How To Add Iron To Your Aquarium To Help Your Plants Thrive!

Aquascaping and keeping planted tanks are both becoming increasingly popular within the fish keeping hobby with more and more people choosing to add various aquatic plants to their tanks.

As the number of people sharing their photographs of their beautiful planted tank setups on social media increases, it just keeps on drawing more and more attention to keeping planted tanks too so we doubt that the popularity is going to fade any time soon.

Due to there being so many people who are new to keeping aquatic plants in their aquariums, we often see various questions from the community about what they need to do to help their plants thrive.

One of the most common mistakes that we see people make is that they will plant their tank and then forget to add various nutrients to their tank and we have noticed a number of people reaching out to specifically ask how to add iron to an aquarium for their plants recently.

With iron being important for aquatic plants to thrive, we have decided to publish this article to try and help as many of our readers as possible get their planted tanks in order to help their plants thrive.

What Does Iron Do In An Aquarium?

So, what does iron actually do for aquatic plants?

Well, iron is an important nutrient for all plants and it helps to promote growth as well as helping the plant to create chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green coloration and it is also responsible for helping the plant to produce food during photosynthesis.

Not only does iron help to promote growth in aquatic plants, but it can also help to prevent various problems such as yellowing leaves which is often caused by a lack of iron within the aquarium.

While iron is important for all plants, it is particularly important for fast-growing plants as they will use up nutrients at a much faster rate than slower-growing plants.

Types Of Iron For An Aquarium

There are two main types of iron that can be used to add iron to an aquarium and these are chelated iron and ferrous iron.

Chelated iron is a form of iron that is bound to other molecules and this makes it much easier for plants to absorb.

Ferrous iron is not bound to other molecules and this means that it can be more difficult for plants to absorb but it is often a lot cheaper than chelated iron.

Do Red Aquatic Plants Need Iron?

Although red plants don’t usually need much iron to produce chlorophyll, they do still need iron to help promote healthy growth and to help the plant avoid some common problems that are specific to red plants.

Due to this, we would still recommend that you use an iron fertilizer in your aquarium if you are keeping mostly red plants in there.

Do I Need To Add Iron To My Aquarium?

Although iron is important for aquatic plants, it is often already present in tap water so you may not need to add any additional iron to your aquarium if the levels are already high enough.

The only way to know for sure if your plants are getting enough iron is to test the water and you can use a simple test kit to do this.

If the levels of iron in your aquarium are low, then you will need to add an iron fertilizer to raise the levels.

Please keep in mind that the longer the water has been left in the tank, the more iron that will be used up so try not to test your aquarium water just after a water change.

In addition to this, some of the tap water conditioners on the market can also bind the iron making it useless for your plants too.

How Do I Increase The Iron In My Fish Tank?

If you need to increase the iron levels in your aquarium, then you can do this by using an iron fertilizer.

There are a number of different products on the market that can be used and they all work in a similar way.

You will need to add the required amount of iron fertilizer to your aquarium water and then simply wait for it to be taken up by your plants.

As we mentioned earlier, chelated iron is usually the best option as it is easier for plants to absorb but it can be more expensive.

How Often Should I Add Iron To My Aquarium?

The frequency with which you need to add iron to your aquarium will depend on a number of factors such as the type of plants you have, the amount of light they are getting, and the temperature of the water.

In general, however, we would recommend adding iron every 2-4 weeks.

If you are using an iron fertilizer that contains chelated iron, then you may find that you need to add it more often as this type of iron can be used up more quickly.

Most aquatic plant fertilizers will come with instructions on the lable explaining how often you should use the product making it easy to workout for your setup.

When Should I Add Iron To My Planted Tank?

The best time to add iron to your aquarium is just after a water change as this will help to ensure that the iron levels in your aquarium remain constant.

If you are using an iron fertilizer that contains chelated iron, then you should add it directly to the aquarium water.

If you are using an iron fertilizer that contains ferrous iron, then you should add it to your aquarium before you add the new water.

Adding iron to your aquarium after a water change will help to ensure that your plants have a constant supply of this important nutrient.

How Much Iron Do Aquarium Plants Need?

The amount of iron that you need to add to your aquarium will also depend on a number of factors and it is best to start with a small amount and then increase it if necessary.

If you are using an iron fertilizer that contains ferrous iron, then we would recommend adding 1-2 drops per gallon of aquarium water.

If you are using an iron fertilizer that contains chelated iron, then we would recommend adding 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of aquarium water.

It is always best to start with a small amount and then increase it if necessary as too much iron can be harmful to your plants.

The better aquarium fertilizers that contain iron will have instructions on their lable going over how much of their product you should use in your tank at any given time.

That said though, it can be difficult to workout at times due to different types of plants having higher iron absorbency rates than others so you will still usually need to test and adjust to find the right amount for your specific tank setup.

What Does Iron Deficiency Look Like In Aquarium Plants?

If your plants are lacking in iron, then you may notice that the new leaves that they produce are pale in color.

Iron deficiency can also cause the leaves of your plants to become yellow or white and they may start to curl or twist.

In severe cases, iron deficiency can cause the leaves of your plants to fall off and the plant may stop growing altogether.

If you think that your plants are lacking in iron, then we would recommend testing the levels of iron in your aquarium water.

You can do this using an aquarium test kit and you should aim for a level of 0.1-0.3 ppm.

If the level of iron in your aquarium is low, then you can simply add the required amount of iron fertilizer to your aquarium water and then simply wait for it to be taken up by your plants.

As we mentioned earlier, chelated iron is usually the best option as it is easier for plants to absorb but it can be more expensive.

Which Aquarium Fertilizer Contains Iron?

As we mentioned earlier, most aquarium fertilizers will contain some amount of iron.

The better aquarium fertilizers will have a higher concentration of iron and other important nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Iron is an important nutrient for all plants, not just aquatic plants, so it is often found in general purpose plant fertilizers as well.

If you are specifically looking to increase the iron levels in your aquarium then we would recommend that you use something like Seachem Flourish Iron due to its higher than average iron content.

Can Too Much Iron Be Harmful To Aquarium Plants?

Yes, too much iron can be harmful to aquarium plants as it can cause a number of problems.

If there is too much iron in your aquarium then this can lead to a decrease in the growth rate of your plants and it can also cause them to become stunted.

Too much iron can also cause the leaves of your plants to become yellow or brown and they may start to curl or twist.

Is Iron Toxic To Fish?

No, iron is not toxic to fish when used in suitable doses and in fact, it is an essential nutrient for their health.

Iron is often added to fish food in order to ensure that they are getting enough of this important nutrient.