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How To Quickly Treat Anubias Rhizome Rot!

Aquascaping and keeping planted tanks is becoming increasingly popular causing more and more people to add a wide range of different aquatic plants to their aquarium tanks.

One of the more commonly kept plants for various types of planted tank setups is the anubias so we commonly see questions about the various problems that people are having with their own anbias plants.

One problem that we are seeing more and more frequently is people having issues with anubias rhizome rot so we wanted to publish this article to try and help as many of our readers as possible.

Although anubias rhizome rot is still considered an uncommon disease for the anubias plant, the increased popularity of keeping anubias in aquariums is causing more and more people within the hobby to end up having this problem.

What Is Anubias Rhizome Rot?

Anubias rhizome rot is an infection that specifically attacks the anubias plant at its rhizome. The rhizome of a plant is the area where the roots and leaves connect and for the anubias, this is an especially vulnerable spot.

This disease is caused by a variety of different bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms are able to quickly invade an anubias plant that has an open wound or any other type of damage to its rhizome.

Once these microorganisms have invaded the anubias rhizome, they begin to feed on it and cause the tissue to break down. This break down of tissue leads to the anubias plant beginning to rot away and eventually die if the problem is not addressed quickly enough.

What Causes Anubias Rhizome Rot?

There are a few different things that can cause an anubias plant to develop rhizome rot. One of the most common causes is simply having an open wound or damage to the plant’s rhizome.

This could be from something as simple as a snail or fish bumping into the anubias and causing some minor damage. It could also be from planting the anubias too deeply and having the plant’s rhizome buried beneath the substrate.

Another common cause of anubias rhizome rot is poor water quality. This is especially true if the aquarium tank has high levels of ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates. These chemicals can damage the anubias plant and make it more susceptible to developing an infection.

How Can I Tell I Have Anubias Rhizome Rot?

There are a few different signs that you can look for to tell if your anubias plant is beginning to develop rhizome rot. We go over a brief overview of the more common causes below…

A Larger White Spot on The Stem Base!

The first and most common sign that an anubias plant is beginning to develop rhizome rot is a white spot that begins to form on the stem base. This white spot will typically be larger than the other spots on the anubias plant and will eventually begin to turn brown or black as the infection progresses.

As the anubias plant continues to rot away, this white spot will eventually become larger and begin to encompass the entire stem base. Once this happens, the anubias plant will typically only have a short time before it dies.

Bloating in The Stem and Rhizome of The Plant!

Another common sign that an anubias plant is beginning to develop rhizome rot is bloating in the stem and rhizome of the plant. This bloating is caused by the anubias plant beginning to fill with water as it rots away.

As the anubias plant fills with water, it will begin to take on a more bulbous shape and will eventually become so bloated that it bursts. Once this happens, the anubias plant will typically only have a short time before it dies.

The Root Tip, Root Spot, And Leaves Turning Brown Or Yellow!

As an anubias plant begins to rot away, you may also notice that the root tip, root spot, and leaves of the plant begin to turn brown or yellow. This is caused by the anubias plant losing its ability to uptake nutrients from the water as it rots away.

As the anubias plant loses its ability to uptake nutrients, it will begin to starve and the tips of its roots, leaves, and stem will begin to turn brown or yellow. Once this happens, the anubias plant will typically only have a short time before it dies.

A Brown Color Can Form On The Stem With A Slight Texture Change!

As an anubias plant begins to rot away, you may also notice that a brown color begins to form on the stem of the plant. This brown color is caused by the anubias plant losing its ability to produce chlorophyll.

As the anubias plant loses its ability to produce chlorophyll, the leaves and stem of the plant will begin to turn brown. Once this happens, the anubias plant will typically only have a short time before it dies.

In some cases, this condition may not show on the leaves of the plant until the very late stages so always look for this on the stem of the plant.

There Will Be Issues With The Back Of The Leaf!

If you notice that the back of the anubias leaf is beginning to turn brown or black, this is a sure sign that the anubias plant is beginning to rot away. This can be caused by the anubias plant losing its ability to produce chlorophyll but there are also other types of rot that can cause this too.

Roots Will Fade In Color And Appear Almost Transparent!

One of the final signs that an anubias plant is nearing the end of its life is when the roots of the plant begin to fade in color and appear almost transparent. This is caused by the anubias plant losing its ability to uptake water and nutrients from the water.

As the anubias plant loses its ability to uptake water and nutrients, the roots of the plant will begin to fade in color and become almost transparent. Once this happens, the anubias plant will typically only have a short time before it dies.

The Plant Will Fail To Produce Any New Buds Or Leaves!

As an anubias plant begins to rot away, you may also notice that the plant fails to produce any new buds or leaves. This is caused by the anubias plant losing its ability to produce chlorophyll.

As the anubias plant loses its ability to produce chlorophyll, it will no longer be able to photosynthesize and will eventually die.

The Actual Rhizome Of Your Anubias Will Feel Flacid!

One of the final signs that an anubias plant is dying is when the actual rhizome of the plant begins to feel flaccid. This is caused by the anubias plant losing its ability to uptake water and nutrients from the water.

As the anubias plant loses its ability to uptake water and nutrients, the rhizome of the plant will begin to feel flaccid. Once this happens, the anubias plant will typically only have a short time before it dies.

How To Treat Anubias Rhizome Rot?

The first and most important thing that you need to do if you notice your anubias plant developing rhizome rot is to consider quarantining the plant. This will help to prevent the infection from spreading to other plants in your aquarium.

Once the anubias plant has been quarantined, you need to remove any dead or dying leaves. These leaves can spread the infection to other parts of the plant so it is important to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

After you have removed any dead leaves, you need to trim away any affected areas of the anubias plant. Be sure to only trim away the infected tissue and not healthy tissue.

Once you have trimmed away all of the infected tissue, you need to treat the anubias plant with a fungicide or bactericide. There are a variety of different products on the market that can be used for this purpose. Be sure to follow the directions on the product label and only use the product as directed.

After you have treated the anubias plant, you need to place it in an aquarium with clean water. Be sure to monitor the anubias plant closely and look for any signs of the infection returning. If you notice the infection starting to come back, you may need to treat the anubias plant again.

Anubias rhizome rot can be a serious problem for an anubias plant but it is important to remember that it is still an uncommon disease. With that said, the increased popularity of keeping anubias in aquariums is causing more and more people within the hobby to end up having this problem.

If you notice your anubias plant developing any type of rot, it is important to address the problem as quickly as possible. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly treat an anubias plant that is suffering from rhizome rot and help it to recover.