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How To Stop Your Puppy Climbing Out Of Its Playpen!

With dogs being the most commonly kept type of pet in the western world, many people add a new puppy to their home every month so we commonly see people reaching out with a number of different questions about their pet each month.

We have already published articles answering a number of these common issues but more recently, it would seem that people have been having problems keeping their puppy in its playpen with some of the more daring puppies even being able to climb out of their playpen.

Due to this, we have decided to publish this article going over why your puppy is climbing out of its playpen as well as how you are able to stop it.

Now, the size of your puppy, as well as type of playpen that you are using, will all come into play but for the most part, the information below should be able to help you puppy proof your playpen and stop your puppy from being able to escape when trying to climb out.

Is It Normal For A Puppy To Try And Climb Out Of Its Playpen?

The simple answer to this is yes, it is perfectly normal for a puppy to want to explore and find new ways out of its playpen as they are still learning about their environment.

A puppy’s natural curiosity will often lead them to things such as climbing which can be beneficial for their development but at the same time, can also create some problems such as them being able to climb out of their playpen.

As a puppy grows older, they will begin to understand their environment more and will be less likely to want to escape their playpen as they will know that there is nothing for them outside of it.

Why Is My Puppy Climbing Out Of Its Playpen?

There can be a number of different reasons as to why your puppy might be trying to climb out of its playpen.

Your Puppy Is Bored

The most common reason is that they are simply bored and are looking for something to do or a way to escape their boredom.

If your puppy is only left in its playpen for a short period of time, it is likely that they will become bored and try to find ways to entertain themselves such as climbing out of their playpen.

A Lack Of Exercise

Another common reason puppies try to escape their playpen is if they are not being given enough exercise.

A puppy that has a lot of energy is more likely to want to find ways to burn off that energy and if they are left in a playpen for too long, they will often try to escape in order to find something to do.

If your puppy is not being given enough exercise, it is important to make sure that you are taking them for regular walks or runs outside so that they are able to burn off that energy.

A Lack Of Attention

The last common reason puppies might try to escape their playpen is if they are not being given enough attention.

Puppies are social animals and need to have regular interaction with their owner in order to feel comfortable and secure.

If a puppy is left in its playpen for long periods of time without any attention, it is likely that they will become restless and try to find ways to escape in order to get that attention.

How Can I Stop My Puppy From Climbing Out Of Its Playpen?

The best way to stop your puppy from climbing out of its playpen is to make sure that they are not bored, have plenty of exercise and are getting enough attention.

If you are able to provide your puppy with all of these things, they will likely not want to escape their playpen as they will be content with what they have.

One of the best ways to prevent your puppy from trying to climb out of its playpen is to make sure that it has plenty of toys and things to keep it busy.

Always making sure that there is food, water, and treats in the playpen area can also help to prevent your puppy from trying to get out.

You can also try using a different type of playpen that is more difficult for your puppy to escape from such as one with taller sides or a cover on top.

Avoiding things in the playpen that your puppy is able to use as a way to get a leg up on climbing out of its playpen is also beneficial too.

You can also try to expand the area that the playpen covers to give your puppy more space if you do have additional wall pieces that you can use to increase the playpen area. Sometimes, this may be enough to discourage your puppy from wanting to climb out of the playpen.

You are able to use various types of training stratergies to discourage your puppy from trying to climb out of its playpen too with many of these working well.

Alternatives To A Playpen For A Puppy!

If you are finding that your puppy is constantly trying to escape its playpen or is not content being left in one, there are a few alternatives that you can try.

Dog Crates

The first alternative is to get a dog crate which is a small enclosed space that your puppy can be left in when you are not able to watch them.

Dog crates are often used when puppies are first brought home as they provide a safe and secure space for them to be in until they are more comfortable with their new environment.

A Dog Gate

The second alternative is to get a dog gate which you can use to block off certain areas of your home that you do not want your puppy to have access to.

This is often used in conjunction with a dog crate as you can leave your puppy in their crate with the gate blocking off the area so that they cannot get out.

A Leash System

The third alternative is to simply put your puppy on a leash and keep them close to you when you are not able to watch them so that they cannot wander off and get into trouble.

This is often the easiest solution as it does not require any additional equipment but it is important to make sure that you are always paying attention to your puppy when they are on a leash.


In conclusion, it is perfectly normal for a puppy to want to climb out of its playpen but there are ways that you can stop them from doing so.

The best way to stop your puppy from climbing out of its playpen is to make sure that they are not bored, have plenty of exercise and are getting enough attention.

You can also try using a different type of playpen that is more difficult for your puppy to escape from.

If you are able to provide your puppy with all of these things, they will likely not want to escape their playpen and will be content with what they have.