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How To Treat A Cat Primordial Pouch Lump!

Although it can be common to find a primordial pouch lump on your cat, many people new to owning cats or who have their first cat that is starting to get old are finding a cat primordial pouch lump for the first time.

As you can probably imagine, this can be worrying as humans always instantly think the worst about finding lumps and we often see people reaching out for advice in a panic.

Due to seeing such a large number of people reaching out about finding a lump on their cats primordial pouch we have decided to publish this article going over some essential information that we feel our readers should know.

There is so much misinformation out there on social media about finding lumps on your cats primordial cat pouch that essentially just makes the situation worse.

Before we go any further, we just want try to and put as many of our readers minds at ease as possible.

The majority of the time, a primordial pouch lump on a cat is just a lipoma and is not cancer.

We will go into more detail in this in our article below but most of the time, your cat will be fine and just like many humans, it has a non-cancerous tumor that is nothing to worry about due to its old age.

Why Does My Cat Have A Lump On Its Primordial Pouch?

Lumps on your cat’s primordial pouch are relatively common in older cats and it is usually just a lipoma and a sign of getting old.

There is a chance that it may be a cancerous tumor, especially if you find the lump in a younger cat but the majority of the time, the odds are in your favor for your cat to be fine.

No matter the cause, we would still recommend that you book a video call with a professional vet if possible to have them go over your cat’s lump with you.

Just because the chances of it being cancer are small, it is still not worth taking the risk and some types of cancer in cats can be treat if you catch it early enough.

Considering that video calls with vets tend to work out to be considerably cheaper than a trip to your local vets surgery for you to get the same information, it is well worth the small fee to have the vet check your cat over.

We just want to let our readers know that more often than not, the vet will give you the good news of the lump being a lipoma and there not being any further action to take but sometimes they may have to offer advice on what you should do next if it is something more serious.

Is A Lump On A Cats Primordial Pouch Life Threatening?

Although a lump on your cat’s primordial pouch can be cancerous, it is more likely that it will be a benign lipomas that is essentially just a tumor filled with fat.

The majority of the time, the lipoma can be left but your vet may recommend a short surgery as they can end up being painful when your cat lays down.

Just like any lump that you find on your cat, you should always seek advice from a vet but lipomas do tend to be more of an oval than a round or random shape.

This can be a way for you to check the shape of the lump on your cat to try and get a self-diagnosis to put your mind at ease as we know the human mind likes to focus on the worst possibilities.

That said though, although it is more likely that the lump with just be a fat filled, noncancerous tumor if it is oval shaped, there is still a chance that it could be cancer.

Larger lupomas can be surprisingly painful too so we would still recommend that you try to have your vet check your cat out if possible.

How To Treat A Cat Primordial Pouch Lump!

Smaller lipoma lumps on your cat will often be left as they are without any further treatment being required with the vet recommending you monitor its size but larger lipomas may have to be removed.

There are a number of treatments available if the primordial pouch lump on your cat is cancerous and your vet will offer specialist treatments for the condition.

We have seen some home remedies online for lipomas that are supposadle able to make the lump go away.

This is not correct and they will usually offer your cat no benefit at all but may result in you irritating your cat’s lipoma causing it to cause pain in your cat that would have been other wise avoided.

If your vet does the required tests and finds out that your cat’s primordial pouch lump is cancer or has the potential to develop into cancer they will offer you specific advice on how to move forward.

Sometimes they may be able to cut the issue out, others may be treatable, and unfortunately, sometimes there may be nothing your vet can do for you.

Why Did A Lump Form On My Cats Primordial Pouch?

The majority of lumps that form on your cat’s primordial pouch are natural and are not due to any specific thing that the owner has done.

As your cat gets older, the cells start to replicate less efficiently and this results in more lumps and tumors without there being anything that you are able to do.

A poor diet that has a large number of low quality fats can increase the chances of lumps and tumors forming on your cat but this is not as much of an increase as people seem to think.

Still, you should be trying to use a high-quality cat food that uses lean protein sources and animal fats where possible.

Not only does this decrease the chances of your cat having problems with early or more frequent tumor growth but it can also help to improve their overall nutrition too.

This is due to cats being obligate carnivores and needing a diet based around meat based foods but some cheaper cat foods will try to sneak in plant based fats such as nut butters to keep their costs as low as possible.


That brings our article going over the more common problems with your cats primordial pouch and why it may have lumps growing on it. Although the majority of people we see asking for advice due to finding a lump on their cats primordial pouch have usually already convinced themselves that it is cancer, it usually is just a lipoma that poses no serious threat to your cat. As we mentioned above though, there is still a pretty high chance that your vet will recommend a surgery to remove the larger ones as they can be painful for your cat but other than that, your cat will usually be fine.