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My Dog Ate A Rotten Egg!

With dogs having such a great sense of smell, it is very easy for them to sniff out potential food sources with many of these often being things that your pet dog just shouldn’t be eating.

One of the main foods that this can come into play for is rotten eggs with it being relatively common for a dog to either sniff out rotten eggs in your home or when out and about on a walk and quickly eat it.

Due to this, we often see people reaching out and saying that their dog ate a rotten egg and asking for advice on what they should do.

The number of people who reach out about this are often worried about any potential long term issues or problems in their dog too due to the egg being rotten so we wanted to make our own article on the topic.

We hope that we will be able to help our readers get a better idea of what to expect if their dog does eat a rotten egg as well as the various signs that they should look out for that may indicate a potential problem.

That said though, if you do think that your pet dog is having problems due to eating a rotten egg then you really should book a short video call with a vet to have them recommend how you should move forward.

What Do I Do If My Dog Ate A Raw Egg?

If your dog has ate a raw egg then it may vomit a couple of times depending on how old the egg actually is.

Some dogs will be totally fine and not have any further issues though but if you see signs of constant vomiting, diarrhoea, uncontrollable shaking or lethargy in your dog after eating the rotten egg, you should probably seek advice from a veterinarian on how you should move forward.

With the possible conditions such as diarrhoea and lethargy often requiring your dog to have digested the rotten egg, it may take hours or even a day before your dog starts to show the symptoms too.

Thankfully though, the majority of dogs will be totally fine and not have any symptoms at all with a large number also vomiting once or twice to purge the rotten egg from their system and then not having any other problems.

If you do have an older dog, a puppy, or a dog that has other health issues involving its stomach or digestive system then they can be at a much higher risk than a healthy adult dog.

Dogs in those categories should definitely be watched with a close eye to ensure that any symptoms after eating the rotten egg are identified quickly as the sooner you start any required treatments, the better your dog’s chances of making a full recovery.

Are Rotten Eggs Toxic To Dogs?

Rotten eggs are not classed as being toxic to dogs but they can contain large amounts of bacteria, parasites, and fungi that will cause digestive upset ranging from slight vomiting to constant vomiting and diarrhea.

If the egg is only a few days over its use by date then it is probably fine though and your dog will probably not have any symptoms at all with there being no negative issues with your dog.

The easiest way to prevent these potential problems is to do your best to reduce the risk of your dog eating the rotten eggs in the first place.

This is difficult for the rotten eggs of wild birds but it is rare that your dog will find them as other animals will usually get to them before they even go rotten.

In your home putting the old eggs directly into your large bin as soon as you decide to get rid of them can be enough to prevent your dog from eating them as it is much harder to get them from the large outdoor bin rather than the small indoor bit.

Some dog owners who’s pet dogs have already eaten a rotten egg may try to force their dog to vomit using some of the “home remedies” recommended online but we would never recommend that you use them.

Most of the methods of making your dog vomit involve more risk than just letting your dog digest the rotten egg and pass it naturally. As we mentioned earlier, the majority of healthy dogs will not have any serious issues to their health after eating a rotten egg so you shouldn’t have any problems anyway.


That brings our article going over what to do if your dog ate a rotten egg to an end. We hope that we have been able to help you better understand that the risk of your dog having any real problems after eating a rotten egg really are minimal. For the most part, your dog should be totally fine and if your do notice any potential problems with it then be sure to seek advice from a vet as soon as possible.