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Saltwater Snails Without Shells – What’s That In Your Tank?

Every month we see a couple of people reaching out and asking about the saltwater snail that they have found in their tank without a shell.

It is very common for unintended tank mates to make their way into a new tank by accident so we commonly see questions like this being asked from the community.

Due to this, we wanted to publish this article going over what the saltwater snail without a shell in your tank probably is to try and help our readers out.

What’s This Saltwater Snail Without A Shell In My Tank?

If you have found a salt water snail without a shell in your tank then there is a high chance that it is a Stomatella.

Stomatella are a type of snail that is often seen in the aquarium trade and they are very common in beginner tanks.

They are known to hitchhike on live rock and coral so it is very easy for them to make their way into a new tank without being noticed.

Stomatella are harmless to most animals in the aquarium and they are generally considered to be a good addition to the clean up crew.

“Weird mollusc – Stomatella impertusa #marineexplorer” by Marine Explorer is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit

How Did This Saltwater Snail Without A Shell Get In My Tank?

Stomatella are very common hitch hikers and they will commonly be added to an aquarium by accident due to the actual Stomatella or the eggs being in the substrate or rocks that you add to your tank.

They can commonly be found in the substrate of live plants that you add to your tank too and this is why they are so common in a wide range of marine tank setups within the fish keeping hobby.

Many people intentionally add Stomatella to their tank by buying them directly from the local fish store or various online dealers too.

Is A Stomatella Dangerous For My Tank?

No, a Stomatella is not dangerous for your tank and they are in fact very beneficial as they are excellent at helping to keep the glass of your aquarium clean.

They will also help to consume uneaten food that has fallen to the substrate too which helps to keep the water quality in your tank high.

While they are not dangerous for your aquarium, it is worth noting that they can reproduce very quickly and this can lead to them becoming a nuisance in the long run if their population is not kept in check.

What Do Stomatella Snails Eat?

Stomatella snails are known to be very good at eating algae off of glass, rocks, and other surfaces in the aquarium.

They will also consume detritus and uneaten food that has fallen to the substrate which helps to keep the water quality in your aquarium high.

While they are not dangerous for your aquarium, it is worth noting that they can reproduce very quickly and this can lead to them becoming a nuisance in the long run if their population is not kept in check.

How Do I Control The Population Of Stomatella Snails In My Tank?

Stomatella snails are known to be very good at eating algae off of glass, rocks, and other surfaces in the aquarium.

They will also consume detritus and uneaten food that has fallen to the substrate which helps to keep the water quality in your aquarium high.

While they are not dangerous for your aquarium, it is worth noting that they can reproduce very quickly so the easiest way to control their population in your tank is to just manually remove them.

Some people do add tank mates that will eat Stomatella to their tank too but this can end up causing additional problems in the future so we usually dont recommend it.

How Do I Get Rid Of A Stomatella?

The best way to get rid of a Stomatella is to manually remove them from your aquarium.

This can be done by using a small net to scoop them out of your tank or even by using your hands if you are comfortable doing so.

If you have a lot of Stomatella in your tank then it may be necessary to remove some of the substrates in order to get rid of them all.

You can also try to fish them out using a piece of food on a stick but this is not always effective.