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Should I Give Butterworms To My Bearded Dragon?

The popularity of keeping bearded dragons as pets continues to just keep on climbing with each month that goes by and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

Due to this, there have been a large number of people new to keeping a pet bearded dragon reaching out for help on a number of different topics over the last couple of months and it really is great to see people trying to learn as much as possible about their new pet.

We already have a number of articles online going over various aspects of keeping pet bearded dragons but we have noticed people asking about feeding their bearded dragons butterworms recently so wanted to publish this article.

What Are Butterworms?

Butterworms are the larvae of a type of moth that is found in South America and their name comes from their appearance and texture which is similar to butter.

They are often used as feeder insects for reptiles and amphibians due to their relatively high calcium to phosphorus ratio as well as being a good source of protein, fat, and vitamins.

They are also a popular feeder insect due to the fact that they have a very high moisture content which can be beneficial for animals that may be suffering from dehydration.

Dehydration is often a problem for pet bearded dragons as they can easily become dehydrated if they do not have access to enough water or if the humidity in their enclosure is not high enough.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Butterworms?

While butterworms may be a good food source for reptiles and amphibians, you may be wondering if they are a good food source for bearded dragons specifically.

The answer to this question is yes, bearded dragons can eat butterworms but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that butterworms should only be fed to bearded dragons on a occasional basis and should not make up a large part of their diet.

This is because butterworms are relatively high in fat and feeding your bearded dragon too many of them can lead to obesity which can be a serious health problem.

Another thing to keep in mind is that butterworms can be quite addictive and your bearded dragon may become obsessed with them if you feed them to them too often.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Butterworms?

Now that we know that bearded dragons can eat butterworms, let’s take a look at the nutritional values of this food so that you can better understand why they should only be fed to your bearded dragon on an occasional basis.

Butter worms are around 5% fat and 16% protein offering a much better macronutrient split than many of the other popular feeders for bearded dragons.

In terms of vitamins and minerals, butterworms are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin A.

They are also a good source of water which can be beneficial for bearded dragons that are dehydrated.

Most bearded dragons on a suitable, balanced diet where butter worms are only used as a treat food won’t need the trace vitamins and minerals in the butterworms but they are there and may help with the nutritional profile of your pet.

Advantages Of Butterworms For Bearded Dragons!

  • Butterworms have a high protein content, making them an excellent source of nutrition for bearded dragons.
  • Butterworms are lower in fat than other feeders for bearded dragons but still above average for what a bearded dragon should eat.
  • Butterworms are a good source of calcium, which is important for the health and development of bearded dragons

Disadvantages of Butterworms For Bearded Dragons!

  • Butterworms are a high-fat food, which can lead to weight gain in bearded dragons if fed in large quantities.
  • Butterworms may contain parasites that can be harmful to bearded dragons.
  • Butterworms are expensive in some locations while also being difficult to find too.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Feeding Butterworms to Bearded Dragons?

While there are some benefits to feeding butterworms to bearded dragons, there are also some risks that you need to be aware of.

The first risk is that butterworms may contain parasites that can be harmful to your bearded dragon.

It is important to only purchase butterworms from a reputable source to minimize this risk.

Another risk is that butterworms are high in fat and feeding them to your bearded dragon too often can lead to obesity.

To avoid this, it is important to only feed butterworms to your bearded dragon on an occasional basis as a treat food.

How Many Butterworms Should I Feed My Bearded Dragon?

The number of butterworms that you should feed your bearded dragon will depend on a few factors such as the size of your bearded dragon, their age, and their overall health.

As a general rule of thumb, you should only feed your bearded dragon 1-2 butterworms per week.

If you are unsure how many butterworms to feed your bearded dragon, it is always best to err on the side of caution and feed them fewer rather than more.

Feeding your bearded dragon too many butterworms can lead to health problems so it is important to be cautious.

Due to the price of butterworms and how difficult it can be to find them in some areas, you may want to switch over to a different treat food for your bearded dragon.

Butterworm Alternatives for Bearded Dragons!

There are a few different alternatives that you can feed your bearded dragon if you are having trouble finding butterworms or if you just want to switch things up.

Some of the most popular alternative treat foods for bearded dragons include crickets, dubia roaches, and hornworms.

These alternative treat foods offer a similar nutritional profile to butterworms and can be just as good for your bearded dragon.

The main difference is that they may be easier to find and less expensive in some areas.

Can You Give Butterworms to Baby Bearded Dragons?

Yes, you can give butterworms to baby bearded dragons but you will need to be careful about how many you feed them.

Baby bearded dragons are still growing and their bodies are not yet ready to handle a lot of fat.

To avoid problems, it is best to only feed baby bearded dragons 1 butterworm every two weeks as a treat.

Are Butterworms the Same As Waxworms?

No, butterworms are not the same as waxworms.

Waxworms are another type of worm that is commonly fed to bearded dragons.

Waxworms are higher in fat than butterworms and should only be given to bearded dragons on an occasional basis.

If you are going to feed waxworms to your bearded dragon, it is best to only give them a few at a time as a treat.


So, can bearded dragons eat butterworms?

Yes, they can but there are a few things that you need to keep in mind before feeding them to your bearded dragon.

Butterworms should only be fed to bearded dragons on an occasional basis as they are high in fat and can lead to obesity if fed in large quantities.