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Should You Use A Water Conditioner For Plants In Your Garden?

The potential negatives of using regular tap water to water your garden plants is becoming well known due to people sharing what’s actually in our tap water online more and more frequently.

Due to this, we have seen more and more people reaching out to ask questions about using a water conditions for plants to try and remove the harmful chemicals from their water prior to using it.

As tap water is the most common water used to water plants, it only makes sense that we do a blog post about using a water conditioners for plants! Water conditioners for plants work by removing chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals from the water which can be harmful to your plants.

Some of them also help to create an ideal water environment for your plants by adding in essential minerals and nutrients. In our opinion, the best water condition for plants is Seachem Prime and although it is usually used as a water conditioner for fish tanks, its low price has made it a big hit with gardeners too.

How Do You Dechlorinate Tap Water For Plants?

The easiest way to dechlorinate tap water for your plants is to use a water conditioning product. Although a number of these products are being released for the gardening markets, they are still new and often overprices so a water conditioner despeind for the fish keeping hobby such as Seachem Prime is usually the best choice.

Most of the water conditioners on the market work by utilizing the same active ingredient and methods to remove the chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals from the water. Due to the water conditioners for fish keeping being more established with a huge buyer market, they tend to be much cheaper than the gardening variants.

There are a number of other methods that you can try to dechlorinate your tap water for your plants such as letting the water sit out for 24 hours or using water filters but these can be expensive and time-consuming so we recommend using a water conditioner.

More and more gardeners are also getting a cheap rain water collection barrel in their garden to collect the natural, free rain water. They are much cheaper than most people think and can provide an excellent, long-term source of safe water for your plants.

How Quickly Does A Water Conditioner Work?

Most water conditioners will start to work instantly or within a few minutes of being added to your tap water. Other products may require hours to fully remove the chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals from your tap water so always read the label.

You also have to realize that different areas have different levels of the pollutants in their water changing how long it takes for the water conditioner to work to make your tap water safe for your plants.

As long as you follow the directions on the bottle, a water conditioner should start working quickly and effectively. You should always read the label of the specific water conditioner that you use to make sure that you are using it correctly for your water and plants.

Why Do I Need To Dechlorinate My Water For Plants?

The main reason that you need to dechlorinate your water for your plants is to protect them from the harmful chemicals in the water. Although chlorine is added to our water to kill bacteria, it can also be harmful to your plants.

Chlorine and chloramine can cause leaf burn, water stress and reduced growth in your plants so it is important to remove them from the water before you water your plants.

Heavy metals such as copper and lead can also be found in our water supply and these can be harmful to your plants too. Most water conditioners will remove these heavy metals from your water making it safe for your plants.

The main advantages of using a water conditioner for your plants are listed below:-

  • Removes chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals from water.
  • Creates ideal water environment for plants.
  • Adds essential minerals and nutrients to water.
  • Easy to use.
  • Inexpensive.

Does A Water Conditioner Hurt Plants?

No, a water conditioner should not hurt your plants. In fact, it will actually help them to grow and thrive by providing them with the ideal water conditions.

A water conditioner will remove the harmful chemicals from your water such as chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals. It may also add essential minerals and nutrients to the water depending on the specific water conditioner that you use.

Please keep in mind that not all water conditioners are created equally and some of them may be intended for a very specific purpose. These water conditioners may contain additional chemicals that can potentially cause problems for your plants but this is very rare and should be explained on the lable.

Always read the label of the water conditioner that you purchase to make sure that it is safe for your particular plants.

Do I Need A Water Conditioner If I Use RO water?

If you are using RO water, you will not need a water conditioner as the water has already been filtered and is completely safe for your plants.

However, if you are using water from a water source that has not been filtered, it is important to use a water conditioner to remove the harmful chemicals from the water.

Water Conditioners Vs Water Filters

There are two main types of water filtration systems – reverse osmosis (RO) and deionization (DI). Both of these water filtration systems will remove the harmful chemicals from your water making it safe for your plants.

Reverse osmosis water filters are more expensive than water conditioners but they will also remove much more impurities from your water. This means that RO water is much purer than water that has been treated with a water conditioner.

If you want the absolute best water for your plants, you should invest in a reverse osmosis water filter. However, if you are on a budget, a water conditioner is a good alternative.

Should I Test Water With A Water Conditioner In First?

Yes, it is always a good idea to test water that has been treated with a water conditioner before you use it on your plants.

You can easily test the water for chlorine, chloramine and heavy metals using water test strips. These strips will change color if they detect the presence of these chemicals in the water.

Some people will also test their water that they have used their water conditioner on with some of their cheaper and easier to replace plants first.

Can You Use Too Much Water Conditioner?

Yes, it is possible to use too much water conditioner on your plants. This can happen if you accidently add too much water conditioner to your water or if you forget to dilute the water before you use it on your plants.

It is rare that a water conditioner product will cause any negative side effects on your plants but if you do accidently use too much water conditioner, you may notice that your plants start to yellow or experience leaf drop.