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The Pros And Cons Of Rabbit Cage Floor Wire Cages!

As the number of people keeping pet rabbits continues to increase with each year that goes by, the number of questions that we see about keeping a pet rabbit also increases.

We see large number of questions from the rabbit keeping community and we have already answered a number of them over the last couple of months.

One thing that is being discussed more and more on social media is the rabbit cage floor wire setup rather than the base board setup.

The floor wire does have its advantages and disadvantages over a base board cage but many people on social media do seem to misunderstand the advantages of the floor wire cage setup so we wanted to publish this article going over the topic.

Is Wire Flooring Good for Rabbits?

The main advantage of wire flooring for rabbits is that it allows for much better airflow and therefore helps to keep the rabbit cooler in hot weather.

Rabbits are very sensitive to heat and can easily overheat, so good airflow is essential in hot weather.

The wire floor also allows any urine or droppings to fall through immediately, which helps to keep the cage cleaner and reduces the risk of disease.

Another advantage of wire flooring is that it is much easier to clean than a base board setup.

All you need to do is remove the tray and give it a good clean, whereas with a base board setup you would need to remove all of the bedding and any toys or hay racks to give it a good clean.

The main disadvantage of wire flooring is that it can be hard on a rabbit’s feet.

If the wire is too thin it can cut into their feet, and if it is too thick it can be uncomfortable for them to walk on.

Wire flooring can also be noisy if the rabbit is moving around a lot, and it can be more difficult to insulate against the cold in winter.

Should a Rabbit Cage Have a Wire Bottom?

Whether or not you choose to have a wire bottom for your rabbit cage is up to you, but there are pros and cons to both setups.

We would recommend that you do some research and decide what will work best for you and your rabbit.

Most of the rabbit keeping community on social media do seem to be totally against cage floor wire setups and this often warps people’s opinions on them.

It is rare that we see people mention how much higher the risk of a bacterial infection if for your rabbits feed when the rabbit is kept in a base board hutch rather than a wire cage base.

We think that this is simply due to many of the groups on social media having a hive mind and when one person says something, it is instantly accepted as fact.

Do Wire Bottom Cages Hurt Rabbits Feet?

As we mentioned before, the main disadvantage of wire flooring is that it can be hard on a rabbit’s feet.

If the wire is too thin it can cut into their feet, and if it is too thick it can be uncomfortable for them to walk on.

Wire flooring can also be noisy if the rabbit is moving around a lot, and it can be more difficult to insulate against the cold in winter.

In some setups, the wire bottom cage can definitely hurt a rabbit’s feet though and in some cases, it can cause injuries to the hocks.

What Wire Should I Use for Bottom of Rabbit Cage?

The best wire to use for the bottom of a rabbit cage is a 14 or 16 gauge welded wire.

This wire is thick enough that it won’t hurt the rabbit’s feet, but it is also thin enough that it will allow good airflow.

You can also get plastic coated wire which is even better for the rabbit’s feet.

What is the Best Way to Insulate a Wire Bottom Rabbit Cage?

One way to insulate a wire bottom rabbit cage is to line the bottom with straw or hay.

This will help to keep the rabbit warm in winter and will also provide a soft surface for them to lie on.

You can also buy special mats which are designed to insulate wire bottom cages.

These mats usually have a layer of foam in them which will help to keep the rabbit warm.

Fleece is very popular too but some rabbits will eat the fleece and it may cause impaction or blockages in your bunny.

Should I Put a Tray Under My Wire Bottom Rabbit Cage?

It is a good idea to put a tray under a wire bottom rabbit cage to catch any urine or droppings which fall through the wire.

This will make it easier to keep the cage clean and will also reduce the risk of disease.

You can buy special trays which fit under wire bottom cages, or you can just use an old cookie sheet.

Can Rabbits Chew Through Floor Wire?

Rabbits can chew through floor wire if it is thin enough, so it is important to make sure that you use a thick gauge wire.

A 14 or 16 gauge wire should be thick enough to prevent the rabbit from chewing through it.

If you are worried about your rabbit chewing through the wire you can also get a plastic coated wire which is much more difficult for the rabbit to chew through.

Why Do So Many Rabbit Cages Have Wire Floors?

The two most common reasons that people use wire bottom rabbit cages are due to the increased air flow to help with temperature control and your rabbits waste falling through the cage instantly.

Although wire bottom rabbit cages have some other advantages, they also have disadvantages that you have to factor in too.

We have gone over the main advantages and disadvantages of wire bottom cages below:-

Advantages Of Floor Wire Cages For Rabbits!

  • Floor wire based cages have far less bacteria on them.
  • Floor wire cages allow your rabbit poop to fall our of the cage instantly.
  • Some types of rabbit don’t have problems with their hocks on wire cage bases.
  • Wire cages can improve air flow to help counter problems with overheating.

Disadvantages Of Floor Wire Cages For Rabbits!

  • Can cause problems with hocks.
  • Very uncomfortable
  • Not easy for rabbits to move around on.
  • Part of your cage still needs to be a firm bottom for sleeping and relaxing.

Should Your Rabbit Cage Have a Wire Bottom?

Whether or not you choose to have a wire bottom for your rabbit cage is up to you, but there are pros and cons to both setups.

We would recommend that you do some research and decide what will work best for you and your rabbit.

If you have any questions about wire bottom cages or anything else related to rabbit care, feel free to ask us in the comments below!