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What To Do If Your Dog Ate Dryer Lint!

Due to dogs being the most commonly kept pets in the areas where the majority of our readers live, we constantly see people reaching out with a range of different questions about keeping a pet dog.

Although rare, we do see some people reaching out and asking questions due to their pet dog having eaten dryer lint with the owner often being quite worried.

If your dog ate dryer lint, the first thing you should do is remain calm. It’s important to remember that dryer lint is not poisonous or toxic to dogs. In most cases, the dryer lint will simply pass through your dog’s system without causing any problems.

That being said, there are a few things you should do if your dog ate dryer lint. First, you should keep an eye on your dog for the next 24-48 hours and watch for any signs of gastrointestinal distress such as vomiting or diarrhea.

If your dog does vomit or have diarrhea, it’s important to contact your veterinarian right away.

What Happens if A Dog Eats Dryer Lint?

In most cases, dogs who eat dryer lint will not experience any problems. The dryer lint is not poisonous or toxic to dogs and will usually just pass through their system without causing any issues.

Some dogs will instantly vomit the dryer lint back up while others may poop it out over the course of the next few days. In either case, there is no need to be concerned as this is perfectly normal.

The problem is that not all dryer lint is created equal and different people use different washing chemicals in their clothes resulting in various chemical compounds being in their dryer lint.

You also have to factor in the different professionals that people have and how various other things may be mixed in with the dryer lint that can increase the potential problems.

If your household does have someone who works in an industry where their uniform may have chemicals on it that can pass into the dryer lint, we would recommend you get a check up for your dog as soon as possible.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Ate Dryer Lint?

In most cases, other than keeping a close eye on your dog after it has ate dryer lint, there is no real course of action you need to take.

As we mentioned, the dryer lint is not poisonous or toxic to dogs and will usually just pass through their system without causing any issues.

If your dog does vomit or have diarrhea, it’s important to contact your veterinarian right away as this may be a sign of something more serious.

While most dogs will be fine after eating dryer lint, there is always the potential for problems so it’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms to look out for.

Is Eating Dryer Lint Dangerous To Dogs?

Dryer lint is usually just spare fabric from clothes in and the vast majority of cases, it should not be dangerous to dogs provided that they don’t eat much of it. Some dogs with preexisting health conditions may be at a higher risk though and some lint may contain stronger chemicals in it.

Chemicals in lint can cause gastric upset in dogs, resulting in vomiting. If your dog vomits after eating lint, it’s important to contact your veterinarian to rule out any potential health problems.

While most cases of dog vomit are nothing to worry about, it’s always best to be safe and get your dog checked out.

You will know your household better than anyone else and have the best idea of what kind of chemicals can be in your dryer lint. If your detergents are labeled as “non-toxic” and there are minimal other chemicals in the lint, your dog should be fine in most cases.

Why Does My Dog Keep Eating Lint?

In some cases, dogs will eat lint on purpose because they like the taste or texture. If your dog is constantly eating lint, you may want to take them to the vet for a check-up to rule out any potential health problems.

Some dogs may eat lint because they are feeling anxious or stressed and this is their way of coping with the situation. If you think this may be the case, we would recommend you speak to your veterinarian about ways to help reduce your dog’s anxiety.

Dogs may also eat lint if they are bored or have nothing else to do. If this is the case, we would recommend you provide your dog with more toys and exercise to help keep them occupied.

How Can I Stop My Dog From Eating Dryer Lint?

The best way to stop your dog from eating dryer lint is to keep it out of their reach. This means keeping your laundry room door closed or using a dog gate to block them from getting into the room.

You can also try training your dog with positive reinforcement techniques such as rewarding them when they stay away from the laundry room.

If you think your dog is eating lint because they are anxious or stressed, we would recommend you look for the causes of their stress and anxiety and try to remove them.

You will often find that dog’s stress and anxiety is caused by a lack of exercise so we would recommend you try increasing the amount of time you spend walking or playing with your dog.

In some cases, something as simple as walking your dog more can reduce the stress to prevent them from comfort eating things such as dryer lint.

Should I Be Worried If My Dog Eats Dryer Lint?

In most cases, there is no need to worry if your dog eats dryer lint. The lint is not poisonous or toxic to dogs and will usually just pass through their system without causing any issues.

Look for signs of vomiting, diarrhea, random shaking or ruling, and stomach pains for the first 48 hours after your dog eats dryer lint. If any of these signs occur, please contact your veterinarian right away as they may be a sign of something more serious.