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What To Do If Your Untamed Budgie Is Out Of Its Cage!

Budgies are one of the more commonly kept species of pet birds in both North America and Europe and the number of people keeping budgies as pets has been steadily increasing in recent years.

The majority of budgies that are kept as pets are untamed making it harder to get them to do what you want, especially getting them in or out of their cage as required and we commonly see people asking about how they can get their untamed budgie in or out of its cage.

The easiest way to get your untamed budgie in and out of its cage when require is to socialize the budgie with you to increase the chances of it doing as required.

The easiest way to do this is to spend as much time near your budgies cage as possible so if you are watching TV, on your computer, on your smartphone or reading a book, try to do it close to your budgie so it gets used to your presence and is not stressed or anxious when you are around.

We know that this sounds basic but the majority of the wing flapping and sounds that a budgie makes when untamed is due to being stressed or anxious when you are around.

Once you have been staying close to your pet budgie for a couple of weeks and it doesn’t freak out when you are near the cage, you can start to feed it treats with your hand.

It is usually best to start this by putting small amounts of treat food through the bars of the cage before slowly working your way up to holding the food though the bars to let your budgie eat it as you hold it.

Can You Let Untamed Budgies Out Of Their Cage?

You can let an untamed budgie out of its cage in most situations but you have to keep in mind that it will usually be more difficult to initially get the budgie out of its cage due to it being skittish about leaving its cage.

In addition to this, it is also usually much harder to get an untamed budgie back into its cage when required too with it sometimes taking days if your budgie is not used to being out of its cage.

If you do put the time in to start the initial bond with your budgie that we will be going over in our article below, you will often see that your untamed budgie will usually leave its cage much easier than it otherwise would.

Even if you have started to form a bond with your pet budgie, it can still be difficult to get it back into its cage when needed but we will be covering some tips and tricks that you are able to use to your advantage below to try and help as many of our readers as possible.

Please also keep in mind that if you have other pets in your home then they can stress the budgie out making it harder to get an untamed budgie in or out of its cage even if the other pet is not intentionally doing anything.

One story that we saw on social media that serves as a good example of this is that one woman had a budgie that refused to leave its cage if the family dog was in the room, even if the dog was in its bed sleeping.

It took her quite a while to work out what was causing their budgie to be inconsistent in its behavior of leaving its cage but minor things that are commonly overlooked like this can change how your pet budgie will react.

How Do You Get An Untamed Budgie Out Of Its Cage?

The most common way to get an untamed budgie out of its cage is to spend some time letting your budgie get used to you by sitting near its cage when on your smartphone, watching tv or reading and then once your budgie is calm when you are near it, opening the door on your budgies cage and letting it come out of its own free will.

You can often tempt an untamed budgie out of its cage with some treats in many cases too, especially if you have been working on hand feeding your budgie through the bars of its cage.

You should never try to grab your budgie and drag it out of its cage or try to scare the budgie to leave its cage as it is extremely likely that this will backfire and end up causing the budgie to want to stay in the cage for longer.

As we touched on above, having other family pets in the room, at least for the first few times you try to get your untamed budgie out of its cage can also prevent the budgie from leaving its sanctuary of safety too so try to keep any cats or dogs in other rooms until your pet budgie is confident.

One thing that we would like to point out is that it is often much easier to get an untamed budgie out of its cage rather than back in its cage.

If your untamed budgie is taking a long time to willingly come out of its cage then just keep in mind that it is probably going to take a huge amount of time to get the bird back into its cage even if you do follow our tips and tricks below.

This is commonly overlooked by people new to letting their budgies out of their cage and may result in you having to just leave your budgie out of its cage overnight or even for a few days with this potentially presenting a number of risks to your budgie while out of its cage.

How Do You Get An Untamed Budgie Back in Its Cage?

The easiest way to get an untamed budgie back into its cage is to turn off all of the lights in the room and place a dull light near or in your budgies cage.

A smartphone with its screen lit up is often enough for this trick to work and it helps to draw your budgie to the light in its cage and can usually help to get your pet budgie back into its cage much quicker than the other methods that you can take advantage of.

Unfortunately, this method usually will only work during the evening or at night making it much less effective if you have to get your untamed budgie back into its cage during the day.

This is where bribery becomes effective as the majority of budgies absolutely love millet spray and you can use it as a treat food to help get an untamed budgie back into its cage with relative ease.

This millet spray method does tend to work much better if you have put the time in with trying to hand feed your budgie as covered earlier in the article prior to letting your pet budgie out of its article though so you do have to factor this in.

The method is simple enough and you literally just hold the millet spray out for your budgie to nibble on before slowly moving the millet spray towards the budgie’s cage before finally putting the millet spray into the budgie’s cage for the bird to follow it.

What Should You Do If Your Untamed Budgie Won’t Go Back In Its Cage?

If your untamed budgie won’t go back in its cage no matter what you try then leaving your budgie out of its cage overnight to get hungry before trying to draw your budgie back to its cage with millet spray the next day is probably the best option.

Some untamed budgies can be very stubborn but hunger is a powerful motivator and most people find that as soon as hunger kicks in, their bird will become more responsive to bribery with various treats.

If you do have to leave your pet budgie out of its cage overnight then be sure to try and remove any potential hazards and risks to your budgie from the room that you will be leaving it in if possible.

This includes random things that it may try to eat, not only due to it defeating the purpose of trying to get hunger to set in but the food the budgie may try to eat while you are out of the room may be toxic to it.

We have seen some people on social media reports that they have left their budgie out of its cage overnight only to wake up and find that their budgie has not only gone back into its cage while they slept but has also chosen to stay in its cage even though the door is open.

Although this should not be relied on, if you are leaving your pet budgie out of its cage overnight then making sure that it has easy access to its cage can be a good idea and you can also try to use the nightlight trick that we covered earlier in the article to help increase the chances of your budgie going back into the cage.


That beings our article going over getting an untamed budgie in or out of its cage as required to an end. The majority of people should be able to get to pet budgie to do what they need via the methods covered in our article above with minimal problems. As with most things though, a little prior planning can end up saving you a huge amount of time with the actual task at hand and getting your pet budgie in and out of its cage is much easier if you have already done some socialisation training with the bird as we covered earlier in the article.