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Why Does My Dog Bark at Me and Not My Husband?

Have you ever found that your dog seems to show unfair prejudice and barks at you constantly, but almost never at your partner?

This is a very frustrating situation to be in, and if you’ve ever found yourself asking “why does my dog bark at me and not my husband?” you may be pleased to hear that there are a few explanations, and that you might be able to change this behavior.

It’s important to work out why your dog is barking, because this communication could be important, and it’s key to determine what’s causing it.

Don’t ignore your dog barking in the hopes that this will make it stop; usually, you will need to take a more direct approach in order to solve the problem.

Lots of things can make a dog bark, but your dog is trying to communicate something to you when it does this, so pay attention.

A dog barking can occasionally be alarming, and it’s not something that even most dedicated and loving pet owners tend to enjoy, especially if it is frequent or prolonged.

On the other hand, you may not want to scold your dog for barking, and that might leave you at a loss for what to try next. Persistent barking is grating and can cause problems with the neighbors, so it’s important to get on top of it.

Why Does My Dog Bark At Me And Not My Husband?

There are a few reasons that your dog may bark at you and not your husband, but often, it will be because it thinks it holds a higher status in the pack than you do, and it’s telling you that you’re stepping out of your place, or trying to reinforce its own position.

Hierarchy is extremely important in dog society, so your dog will have a clear sense of where it thinks everyone falls in the “pack” that is your family, and if it thinks it is above you, it will bark at you.

Your dog may bark at you for other reasons in some cases, such as to tell you that it wants food or a walk, or because it is bored or lonely and wants you to pay attention to it.

If you are your dog’s primary caregiver and tend to be responsible for meals, walks, etc., this is more likely to occur than if you rarely handle these duties.

Sometimes, your dog will bark if others approach you, and this is because it sees you as a resource that it wishes to guard, so it is telling others to back away.

Barking can be hurtful if it seems like your dog loves you or trusts you less than your husband, but you should not take it to mean this. Your dog is trying to communicate with you, and working out what it is saying may help to resolve the barking.

What Does It Mean When A Dog Only Barks At One Person?

Usually, if a dog barks at just one person, it is because it wants to assert its position above that person in the pack’s hierarchy. Your dog is essentially trying to say “I am the boss of you,” and you must not allow this to continue.

Unfortunately, dogs can behave in problematic ways if they think they are the head (or close to the top of) the pack, and this can even lead to aggression and growling if the dog thinks you are overstepping your rank in its idea of the hierarchy.

Your dog might bark at you for behavior that it does not bark at your husband for, such as removing something that it is playing with or scolding it.

This inequality is because it sees your husband as “top dog,” and therefore will accept such behavior from him, while rejecting it from you. The head of the pack gets certain privileges and can remove toys or food without repercussions, while a lower member of the pack cannot do this without a negative response.

Your dog may show other assertive behavior, such as trying to walk through doors before you, expecting to be fed before you, or trying to push you off the couch or other prime spots.

It may also increase its barking if it sees you interacting with family members and feels jealous or insecure as a result, particularly if you hug them. Be aware of what prompts this kind of barking so you can address it.

How Do I Stop My Dog Barking At Me?

The only way to stop your dog from barking at you if it is having hierarchy problems is to assert your place above it in the pack, and this can take a lot of work.

It is also heavily dependent on things that may seem minor, such as who walks through a door first, who eats first, and whether your dog tries to always be the center of attention at all times. These subtle actions say a lot in your dog’s language.

You may need to work with a trainer if you are having real problems with the dog barking, but often, changing the little habits will help to show your dog that you are in charge.

Winning when you play a game together, making decisions about where your dog sleeps, and setting clear boundaries about territory (e.g. you have a place on the couch even if the dog does not) are good signifiers of your superiority.

Your dog should not bark at a pack member it views as superior in most cases. Address constant barking by asserting your position and ensuring that you are the boss – not your dog.


So, if you’ve ever asked “why does my dog bark at me and not my husband,” it’s likely that your dog is doing this because it thinks it outranks you in your little pack/family. If this is the case, your dog will expect you to treat it in particular ways and will bark to show its displeasure when you break the rules it thinks you will follow. Make sure you assert your dominance by winning games, eating first, and going through doorways ahead of your dog.