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Why There Is A Blue Spot On Your Leopard Geckos Belly!

It’s great to see more and more people starting to keep pet reptiles with a number of reptiles rapidly growing in popularity right now.

Although the bearded dragon has been the clear winner when it comes to growth in popularity, the leopard gecko is a close second and with so many people being out there who are new to keeping leopard geckos, we have seen a correlating increase in the questions that we see people asking each month about caring for a leopard gecko.

We have already gone over a number of the common questions that we have seen people asking about keeping a pet leopard gecko but one thing that we have seen people asking recently is about there being a blue spot on their leopard geckos belly.

Many of the people that we see asking about their gecko having a blue spot on its belly have been worried about a potentially serious problem with their pet so we wanted to publish this article to try and put our readers minds at ease and explain what is probably happening.

Is It Normal For A Leopard Gecko To Have A Blue Belly?

Before we get started, we just wanted to point out that it is in fact quite normal for a leopard gecko to have a blue belly and there is usually no need to be concerned about your pet if you notice that they have a blue spot on their belly.

Although it is not classed as normal for a leopard gecko to have a blue spot on its belly, it is not exactly rare either and it seems between ten and twenty percent of leopard geckos have this blue spot form.

It can become easier to see if your leopard gecko is underweight too so if your leopard gecko has recently been sick and lost some weight, the chances of you being able to see the blue spot on your pet leopard gecko’s belly will increase.

Why Does My Leopard Gecko Have A Blue Belly?

In most cases, a blue spot on a leopard geckos belly is just an organ pushed up against the skin inside your pet leopard gecko and in some lighting conditions, you will be able to see the organ as a blue spot on your leopard geckos belly.

This organ can be the heart, intestines, gall bladder or liver but the gall bladder tends to have the darker blue hue to it so if the gall bladder of your leopard gecko is pressed against the bellow of your leopard gecko then there is a higher chance of you being able to see it.

As we mentioned earlier in the article, if your pet leopard gecko has recently lost a large amount of weight then you will often notice these organs much easier and the blue spot on your pet leopard gecko’s belly may appear much larger than it otherwise would due to being able to see more organs.

This is usually nothing to worry about but there are some less common problems with leopard geckos that can also cause their stomachs to look blue.

The only other relatively common one is due to issues with your leopard gecko’s blood, often due to disease or a poor diet and although this is rare, it can eventually prove fatal.

Due to this, we would still recommend that you consider getting your leopard gecko to the local vets for a check up just to double check for any potential health problems with your gecko.

How Do I Treat A Leopard Gecko With A Blue Belly?

As we just mentioned, the blue belly on your leopard gecko is usually nothing to be concerned about and will not require any treatment in most cases but there are some less common causes of a leopard gecko having a blue belly that could potentially pose a risk to your pet’s health.

The most common cause of this is due to your pet leopard gecko being underweight and if this is the case then you will need to increase the amount that you feed your pet each day.

It is also important to make sure that your leopard gecko’s diet is varied and that they are receiving all of the nutrients that they require to stay healthy and prevent a lack of nutrition being an issue that can cause problems with the blood of your leopard gecko.

The other thing that can cause problems with the blood of your pet leopard gecko is disease and unfortunately, there are a number of different problems that can cause this so you really do need a vet to examine your leopard gecko and give you their professional opinion on the situation.

If the blue belly on your leopard gecko is due to one of their organs being pushed up against the skin then there is usually no need to be concerned and no treatment will be required but in some rare cases, surgery may be required to correct the problem.