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Why Your Ball Python Has Cloudy Eyes With No Shed!

The popularity of ball pythons has been sky rocketing recently and they are easily one of the most commonly kept pet reptiles in the world now.

With the huge popularity of ball pythons as well as the massive number of people who are brand new to keeping ball pythons, we constantly see a large number of questions relating to caring for a ball python each month.

One thing that seems to catch many people out and cause a number of questions each month is a ball python with cloudy eyes but no shed.

This is more common than most people actually realize but it still worries many people who are new to keeping ball pythons and see this in their pet snake for the first time.

Due to this, we have decided to publish this article, our hope is that we will be able to help as many of our readers as possible get a better idea of what’s happening with their pet ball python and help stop you from worrying about your pet snake.

Is It Normal For A Ball Pythons Eyes To Cloud Up But Not To Shed?

Although it is not classed as a normal behavior for a ball python to develop cloudy eyes only for the snake not to shed, in some cases, this can be expected and it can be more common than many people think.

There are actually a number of different potential reasons that this may happen in the average ball python and it is usually not due to a serious health problem.

Thankfully, in the vast majority of cases, your pet snake will be fine and not have any long term issues and in most cases, the shed will just be delayed.

Why Is My Ball Pythons Eyes Cloudy Without Shedding?

The three most common causes of a ball python developing cloudy eyes without shedding are as follows:-

  • The Shed Is Delayed?
  • Dehydration!
  • Humidity Issues!

The Shed Is Delayed?

One of the most common reasons that a ball python will develop cloudy eyes but not shed is simply because the shed is delayed.

This can happen for a number of reasons and stress is often one of them.

A stressful event in your ball python’s life such as being moved to a new home, changes in their enclosure or diet can all lead to your ball python not shedding as frequently as they should.

As we mentioned previously, this is usually not anything to worry about and your pet snake will shed the old skin once it is ready.

If you are concerned that your ball python is not shedding as often as it should be, then we would recommend speaking with a reptile vet who will be able to advise you further.


Another potential reason that your ball python has developed cloudy eyes but has not shed is that the snake is dehydrated.

This is actually a lot more common than many people think and it is something that can easily happen if your pet snake does not have access to clean, fresh water.

If you are concerned that your ball python may be dehydrated, then there are a number of different signs and symptoms that you can look for which may help you to determine whether this is the case.

These include:-

  • A loss of appetite.
  • Your ball python appears lethargic.
  • The snake refuses to drink water.
  • The snake appears dirty or dry.

If you suspect that your ball python is dehydrated, then the best course of action is to seek professional advice from a reptile vet who will be able to carry out a full checkup and treat the snake accordingly.

Humidity Issues!

Another potential reason for your ball python having cloudy eyes but not shedding is that there are issues with the humidity levels in their enclosure.

It is important to maintain the correct humidity levels for your ball python as this will allow them to shed properly and help to prevent any skin problems from developing.

If you are unsure of what the correct humidity levels should be for your ball python, then we would recommend speaking with a reptile vet who will be able to advise you further.

Other Signs Of Shedding In A Ball Python!

In addition to the cloudy eyes in your ball python, try to keep an eye out for other signs that the ball python is due to shed.

These include:-

  • A pink belly tone.
  • Dull colors.
  • Eyes have a blue tint.
  • Excessive rubbing on surfaces.

In some cases, it can take as long as two weeks for a ball python to actually start its shedding after developing the initial symptoms suggesting it will shed soon.

This often causes people to worry about potential health issues but for the most part, clouded eyes are usually just a sign of an upcoming shed but the shed may be delayed.


In conclusion, if your ball python has developed cloudy eyes but has not shed, then this is not necessarily something that you should be concerned about.

There are a number of different potential causes of this and in most cases, the shed will just be delayed.

However, if you are concerned about your pet snake, then we would recommend speaking with a reptile vet for further advice.