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Why Your Bearded Dragon Is Eating Sand And How To Stop It!

Bearded dragons have managed to hold on to their title of being the most commonly kept pet reptile in the world for a third year in a row and due to being such a popular pet, we always see a range of questions about caring for a bearded dragon.

We have already answered a large number of the seemingly never ending questions that the community has regarding keeping a pet bearded dragon but for today’s article, we are going to be going over our views on why a bearded dragon may be eating sand.

Although this is one of the less common problems that bearded dragons have, we have noticed a steadily increasing number of people having problems with their own bearded dragons eating sand recently so we have decided to publish this article.

Our hope is that we will be able to help as many of our readers as possible but thankfully, unlike some of the other common problems that people have with bearded dragons, a bearded dragon eating sand is usually a quick and easy fix.

Is It Ok For Bearded Dragons To Eat Sand?

The answer to this question is both yes and no.

We know that this may seem like a confusing answer but please bear with us while we explain.

A bearded dragon’s stomach is very different to ours, specifically in the way that it is able to digest food.

While our stomachs are designed to break down food using acids, a bearded dragon’s stomach actually uses sand to help it break down food.

This means that a small amount of sand is actually beneficial for a bearded dragon and necessary for their digestion process.

The problem arises when a bearded dragon eats too much sand.

If a bearded dragon eats too much sand, it can cause impaction that can be a serious issue.

Can Beardies Eat Calcium Sand?

As we briefly touched on before, a small amount of sand is actually beneficial for a bearded dragon as it helps with their digestion.

However, the type of sand that a bearded dragon should be eating is calcium sand.

Calcium sand is specifically designed for reptiles and helps to provide them with the calcium that they need in their diet.

The problem with other types of sand is that just like regular sand, they can actually be harmful to a bearded dragon and cause impaction if they are eaten in large quantities.

Does Sand Cause Impaction In Bearded Dragons?

As we have mentioned a few times now, sand can actually cause impaction in bearded dragons if they eat too much of it.

Impaction occurs when a bearded dragon eats too much sand and it gets stuck in their digestive system.

This can be a very serious problem as it can lead to death if not treated quickly.

If you think that your bearded dragon may be impacted, we recommend taking them to see a vet as soon as possible.

Here are some of the symptoms of impaction to watch out for in your bearded dragon:-

  • Loss of Appetite.
  • Inactivity.
  • Dehydration.
  • Weight Loss.
  • Swollen Abdomen.

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Eating Sand?

There are a few different reasons why your bearded dragon may be eating sand.

Lacking Calcium From Their Diet!

The first reason is that they may be lacking calcium in their diet.

As we mentioned before, a small amount of sand is actually beneficial for a bearded dragon as it helps with their digestion and top up their calcium intake.

However, the type of sand that a bearded dragon should be eating is calcium sand.

calcium sand is specifically designed for reptiles and helps to provide them with the calcium that they need in their diet but this is not the official use of calcium sand.

Officially, calcium sand is designed so that your bearded dragon is able to quickly digest the calcium in the sand to help it prevent impaction building up in its digestive system if your bearded dragon does eat calcium sand.

The problem with other types of sand is that just like regular sand, they can actually be harmful to a bearded dragon and cause impaction if they are eaten in large quantities.

If your bearded dragon is eating regular sand then this should be discouraged.

Eating Out Of Habit!

If your bearded dragon is used to being in a tank with calcium sand and then it has its calcium sand replaced with regular sand, your bearded dragon may continue to eat the sand out of habit.

This can be very difficult to change and it is highly likely that your bearded dragon will be better off if you just switch its substrate back to a calcium sand product rather than leave it on regular sand.

We have seen reports from people who have tried to break the habit of their bearded dragon eating regular sand and most people fail.

Accidently Eating Their Substrate!

Another reason why your bearded dragon may be eating sand is that they may actually be accidentally eating their substrate.

This can happen if the sand is loose or if your bearded dragon is trying to eat something else that is buried in the sand such as a cricket or worm.

If you think that this is the case then you should try to offer your bearded dragon food that is not buried in the sand such as feeding from a feeding dish.

You should also make sure that the sand that you are using is not too loose as this will make it easier for your bearded dragon to accidentally eat it.

Eating Sand To Aid Digestion!

The final reason why your bearded dragon may be eating sand is that they may actually be trying to help themselves digest their food.

This is because sand helps bearded dragons to grind up their food in their stomach which makes it easier for them to digest.

If you think that this is the reason why your bearded dragon is eating sand then you should make sure that they are getting enough calcium in their diet as well as all of the other dietary requirements your pet bearded dragon needs.

How Do You Get Sand Out Of A Bearded Dragon?

If your bearded dragon has become impacted, the first thing that you need to do is take them to see a vet.

They will be able to give you the best advice on how to treat your bearded dragon and get the sand out of their system.

In some cases, it may be possible for you to treat impaction at home but we would not recommend this unless you have been specifically instructed to do so by a vet.

The best way to prevent your bearded dragon from becoming impacted is to make sure that they are only eating calcium sand and that they are not eating too much of it.

You can use other reptile calcium supplements such as Repta Calcium that can reduce the urge for your pet bearded dragon to eat calcium too.

There are some medications that a vet is able to offer to help your bearded dragon pass the sand but in some bad cases of impaction, an operation may actually be required.

Summary Of Why Your Bearded Dragon Is Eating Sand

Here is a quick recap of why your bearded dragon is eating sand:-

  • Lacking Calcium From Their Diet!
  • Eating Out Of Habit!
  • Accidently Eating Their Substrate!
  • Eating Sand To Aid Digestion!


There are a few reasons why your bearded dragon may be eating sand, but the most common reason is that they are lacking calcium in their diet. You can help to prevent your bearded dragon from eating sand by making sure that they are getting enough calcium and by keeping a close eye on them to make sure that they are not accidentally eating their substrate. If