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Why Your Black Cat Is Getting White Hairs!

Due to the massive popularity of keeping pet cats we see a huge number of questions every single month about various things relating to cats.

We have a huge number of articles relating to cats already but we have noticed more and more people specifically asking about why their black cat is getting white hairs recently so we wanted to publish a dedicated article going over the topic.

Thankfully, unlike some of the other common questions, we have seen about cats, people asking about their black cat getting white hairs are usually just curious rather than worried about the health of their cat so it is nice to write about a topic not related to a potentially serious problem with your cat.

That said, there are some potential problems such as nutrition, kidney disease, and skin infections that can cause your black cat to get white hairs. These are usually rare though and the other symptoms of these conditions will usually show before white hairs start to grow.

Is It Normal For A Black Cat To Get White Hairs?

The term “black cat” often confuses people but it is totally normal and natural for most black cats to either already have some white hairs or develop them when they are older.

There has been a huge amount of mixed breeding with domestic cats now and even the breeds that would have usually been all black will not have some white hairs on them due to their natural pigmentation.

In addition to that, all cats slowly lose the ability to correctly reproduce their hair cells as they age meaning black hair will usually turn grey or white in time and this is normal and natural.

Why Does My Black Cat Have White Hairs?

As we said, there are some potential medical conditions that can cause your black cat to get white hairs but these are rare and the other symptoms will usually be showing by the time the white hair appears.

The most likely reason for a black cat to start getting white hairs is simply age.

All cats, whether they are black, white, or any other color, will start to get white hairs as they age.

The amount of white hair your cat will get as they age will depend on their genetics and is not something you can do anything about.

If you are concerned about the health of your black cat getting white hairs then the best thing to do is take them to the vet for a check-up.

This is always the best course of action if you are worried about your cat’s health as they can give you a professional opinion and potentially diagnose any underlying conditions.

At What Age Do Black Cats Get White Or Grey Hair?

The age at which a black cat will start to get white or grey hairs varies depending on the individual cat.

Some black cats may start to develop a few white hairs when they are quite young while others may not start to get any until they are quite old.

As we said, there is no way to predict when your black cat will start to get white hairs as it depends on their individual genetics.

It can seem more common for black kittens to rapidly develop white hairs though but this is often just their kitten coat fading as their adult cat coat comes through with natural white pigmentation on the follicle that is not visible as a kitten.

How Can I Prevent My Black Cat From Getting White Hairs?

There is no known way to prevent your black cat from getting white hairs as it is a natural process that all cats go through.

As we said, the age at which your black cat will start to get white hairs depends on their individual genetics and is not something you can do anything about.

The best thing you can do for your black cat as they age is to make sure they are healthy and happy by taking them to the vet for regular check-ups, feeding them a nutritious diet, and giving them plenty of love and attention.

Why Do Black Cat Get White Hair Underneath Their Chest?

There is no one answer to this question as the reason can vary depending on the individual cat.

One potential reason for a black cat to get white hairs underneath their chest is if they are getting old.

As we said, all cats will start to get white hairs as they age and this is usually due to their hair follicles slowly losing the ability to produce pigment.

Another potential reason for a black cat to get white hairs underneath their chest is if they have an underlying medical condition that is causing their hair to fall out.

Conditions like ringworm can cause patches of hair loss and these may be more noticeable on a black cat due to the contrast in color.

Some black cats will naturally have a white belly and chest ut the white hair may not come through until they are around one year old.

Why Does My Black Kitten Have Random White Hairs?

If your black kitten has random white hairs then it is likely that they are just starting to develop their adult coat.

As we said, some black kittens will have a few white hairs on their coat as their kitten coat starts to fade and their adult coat comes through.

The white hair is usually due to natural pigmentation on the follicle and is nothing to worry about.