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Why Your Cat Makes A Weird Noise Before Vomiting!

Due to the sheer popularity of cats as pets and the fact that they are the second most commonly kept pet in the world, we constantly see people reaching out and asking questions about caring for their cats.

We actually see so many questions about caring for a pet cat that we have already published a large number of articles going over some of the more commonly asked questions that we see.

For today’s article, we want to take a look at why cats make weird noises before vomiting due to seeing a large number of people reaching out with questions about it recently.

There are actually a number of different reasons that a cat may make a weird noise before vomiting and some of these noises can be normal and expected.

That said, this article is not intended to be a replacement for advice from a professional vet and some causes of a cat making weird noises before throwing up can be serious.

This is why we would still recommend that you get a check up with a vet to have them confirm if there is anything wrong with your cat and if there is, they will be able to help you work out how to treat it too.

Is It Normal For Cats To Yowl Before Vomiting?

The first question that we want to look at is whether or not it is normal for cats to yowl before vomiting.

In general, it is actually considered to be pretty normal for cats to make a range of different noises when they are about to vomit.

These noises can include yowling, retching, and even dry heaving.

The yowling noise that a cat makes before vomiting is usually due to the fact that they are feeling nauseous and they are trying to express this to you.

While it can be alarming to hear your cat making these noises, it is important to remember that in most cases, it is completely normal and nothing to worry about.

Of course, if your cat is yowling before vomiting on a regular basis or if they seem to be in pain when they are making the noise, it is always best to get them checked out by a vet just to be sure that there is nothing wrong.

One way to get a good idea if the causes of your cat making weird noises before vomiting is to look for signs of pain in your cat or blood in the vomit. If either of these are there then there is probably a problem with your cat.

Why Does My Cat Make A Weird Noise Before Throwing Up?

As we mentioned before, there are a number of different reasons that your cat may make a weird noise before vomiting and we will go over some of the more common ones below.


One of the most common reasons that cats make weird noises before vomiting is due to hairballs.

A hairball is basically a ball of fur that forms in your cat’s stomach when they groom themselves.

As your cat licks their fur, the small hooks on their tongue catch shed hair and eventually, this hair builds up into a ball.

This ball of fur can then block your cat’s digestive system which can cause them to vomit.

The good news is that hairballs are generally not dangerous and your cat should be able to pass them without any problems.

If your cat is vomiting hairballs on a regular basis, it is always best to get them checked out by a vet just to make sure that there is no underlying problem.

Eating Too Fast

Another common reason for a cat making weird noises before vomiting is that they have eaten too fast.

When cats eat too fast, they tend to swallow a lot of air along with their food.

This air can then build up in their stomach and eventually cause them to vomit.

If your cat is vomiting after eating, it is always best to slow down their eating by using a puzzle feeder or by breaking up their food into smaller meals throughout the day.

Ingesting Foreign Objects

The next reason on our list is that your cat has ingested a foreign object.

Cats are curious creatures and they often like to explore their surroundings by putting everything they can find into their mouths.

This can sometimes lead to them ingesting small objects such as toys, jewelry, or even plants.

If your cat has ingested a foreign object, it is always best to get them to a vet as soon as possible so that they can remove the object and prevent it from causing any damage to your cat’s digestive system.

Internal Tumors

The final reason that we want to mention is that your cat may have an internal tumor.

While this is not a common reason for a cat to make weird noises before vomiting, it is still something that you should be aware of.

Internal tumors can cause a blockage in your cat’s digestive system which can then lead to vomiting and extreme pain.

How Can I Help My Cat Making Weird Noises Before Throwing Up?

If your cat is making weird noises before vomiting, there are a few things that you can do to help them.

First of all, if your cat is vomiting hairballs, you can try using a special brush to help remove the shed hair from their coat.

This will help to prevent the hair from building up into balls in the first place.

You can also try feeding your cat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day to help slow down their eating.

Finally, if your cat has ingested a foreign object, it is important to get them to a vet as soon as possible so that they can remove the object before it causes any damage.

Should I Be Worried If My Cat Makes Weird Noises Before Vomiting?

If your cat is making weird noises before vomiting, it is usually nothing to worry about.

However, if your cat is also showing signs of pain or there is blood in their vomit, it is always best to get them checked out by a vet just to be sure.

Some of the more serious reasons that your pet cat may make weird noises before vomiting are serious and can eventually result in a fatality.

Thankfully, these problems such as internal tumors really are rare so the odds are in your favor that the issue is not serious and that your cat will be fine.