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Why Your Cat Poops Right After Eating A Meal!

With cats being such a popular pet option within the western world and currently only being second to dogs by number of house holds with a cat as a pet, it is easy to see why so many people reaching out for advice on caring for their pet cat.

There are a number of common problems that people have with their pet cats but thankfully most of them are nothing to worry about, even if it does cause their owners to worry a little.

Today’s article is no different from that and although we do see a large number of cat owners reaching out to ask why their pet cat poops right after eating, in most cases, it is totally normal and natural and nothing to worry about.

Is It Normal For A Cat To Poop Right After Eating A Meal?

It’s not uncommon for cats to poop right after eating a meal. In fact, it’s actually quite normal!

There are a few different reasons why your cat might do this. One possibility is that they’re simply trying to empty their digestive system as quickly as possible so they can get back to their meal! Another possibility is that they’re marking their territory.

After all, eating is one of the most important things a cat does in their day-to-day life, so it makes sense that they would want to mark their territory after doing it.

Whatever the reason, if your cat is pooping right after eating, there’s no need to worry!

Why Does My Cat Poop Right After Eating A Meal?

Although cats may poop right after eating a meal to try and make room for more food or to mark their territory, the most common reason that a cat will poop right after a meal is due to gastrocolic reflex.

The gastrocolic reflex is a natural response that occurs in cats after they eat. This reflex causes the digestive system to empty quickly, which in turn can cause the cat to poop soon after eating.

While this reflex can sometimes be inconvenient for cat owners, it is actually a normal and natural reaction.

In some cases, gastrocolic reflex can actually work to your advantage if you have a pet cat as you can feed the cat in the morning, have it poop, and then head out to work without having to worry about your cat pooping.

So, if your cat is pooping right after eating, there’s no need to worry!

How Can I Prevent My Cat From Pooping Right After Eating?

Although the gastrocolic reflex is a natural response, there are a few things you can do to help prevent your cat from pooping right after eating.

One option is to feed your cat smaller meals more often throughout the day instead of one large meal. This will help to prevent the digestive system from becoming overloaded and will reduce the chances of the gastrocolic reflex being triggered.

Another option is to feed your cat a high-fiber diet. Fiber helps to bulk up the stool and can make it easier for the digestive system to move food through.

If you’re concerned about your cat pooping right after eating, talk to your veterinarian. They can help you determine if there’s a underlying medical condition that’s causing the problem and can recommend the best course of treatment.

Do Kittens Poop After Every Meal?

Kittens generally eat more often than adult cats and as a result, they may also poop more often.

While it’s normal for kittens to poop after every meal, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the number of times they need to poop.

For the most part though, it is generally recommended that you just let your kitten poop as much as it needs and keep feeding it as kittens require more food than adult cats due to how much growing they have to do.

Should I Worry If My Cat Poops Right After Eating A Meal?

If your cat is pooping right after eating a meal, there’s no need to worry! In most cases, it’s a totally normal and natural reaction.

However, if you’re concerned about your cat’s health or if the problem persists, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They can help you determine if there’s an underlying medical condition and can recommend the best course of treatment. Thanks for reading!