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Why Your Dogs Breath Smells Metallic!

Dogs are strange things, aren’t they? We try our hardest to understand our beloved friends but they often end up leaving us confused and wondering what they’re thinking!

We love them all the same though. We often notice that our dogs give off the weirdest of smells and they can come in all forms! We can worry about these smells, are they a sign of illness?

Is there something wrong with my dog? You can start to panic and find yourself worrying all day and night, with answers just out of reach.

And that’s where we come in! We’re here to answer why your dog’s breath smells metallic and what the best thing to do is. Read on to find out all things dog breath-related!

What Does A Dog’s Bad Breath Smell Like?

We all know that our dogs can often have a stinky breath that causes us to turn away and try not to choke on the smell. Usually, this is because they’ve just eaten and their food smells of dog food.

However, it can also commonly be put down to the dog burping and then looking at you. Thanks for that, pooch!

But sometimes it can be more serious, with action needing to be taken.

For example, if your dog has smells similar to fish, poop, urine, or even garbage, then this can be an indicator that your hound has some sort of gum disease or stomach problem that needs attending to.

It’s hard to believe, but when a dog hasn’t recently eaten, their breath should be relatively odorless – just like humans!

Bad breath can also come down to your dog’s teeth not being clean. Again, like humans, dogs need their teeth to be brushed frequently to make sure that bits of debris and old food don’t get caught in their mouths.

This could cause bad breath and a lot of other complications like gum disease and rotting teeth.

The best way to deal with this is to get some toothpaste for dogs and start brushing away yourself. Make sure that you give them lots of encouragement and treats to ensure they don’t find the experience too stressful.

On top of this, dental sticks are a great way to keep their teeth clean and will often let the dog enjoy a bit of chewing on a tasty treat. Everybody wins!

Pica And Coprophagia

A lot of people may think that our dogs’ breath can smell metallic because they may have eaten something made of metal.

Some of you may laugh because this sounds far-fetched, however, there is a similar condition where your dog may eat things like metal.

This is unlikely to make their breath smell like metal but it can be something you need to talk to the vet about.

Pica is where an individual, whether it’s a dog, cat, or even human, will crave to eat inedible objects and will try to digest them. A lot of this is psychological, but it needs to be sorted out by a professional.

These inedible objects can be anything from couch pillows to metal pins. Dogs like to chew lots of things but when they try to eat these objects, that’s when a problem arises.

On top of this, there is also a condition called Coprophagia. This is a more disgusting habit where dogs will feel the urge to eat their own, and other animals’ poop.

Nobody wants their dog to do this and it can cause health complications through the bacteria and germs in the excrement. The sooner this one is nipped in the bud, the better.

Again, like Pica, this would give your dog’s breath other smells than metal. We’ll spare you the details.

Why Does My Dog’s Breath Smell Like Metal?

People will often realize that their canine is giving off a sort of, iron smell. Many will assume that their dog rolled around in something bad and will need a bath, however, these people are wrong.

There is a simple explanation for this and it can be altered quite easily.

The fact of the matter is you’re feeding your canine companion too much meat. Much like humans, dogs need a balanced and healthy diet to ensure that they stay healthy and full of energy throughout their days.

Feeding your dog too much meat can often cause a few problems and will deprive them of a lot of the vitamins and minerals that are found in fruit and vegetables.

Alternatively, your dog may have eaten something with large iron content and this might be affecting the way their breath smells.

Foods like kidney and liver are both high in iron and can often lead to your dog’s breath smelling metallic after consuming. In this case, it’s best to feed them something else and implement these foods as part of a balanced diet.

Stomach ulcers are a massive problem for any living thing, with dogs firmly included in this list. The stomach acid influxes that may occur because of these health complications may result in your hound’s breath smelling metallic.

This is another reason why, if your dog smells of iron or some other metallic scent, then the vets need to be called to ensure that your pup is fit and healthy. Leave it for too long and they might get quite sick!

Kidney problems can also be common in a lot of creatures like dogs, with the vets often having to take action and prescribe some sort of medication.

Because the kidneys have a massive effect on the bladder and the passing of urine, dogs can have blood in their pee. This will often smell like iron and can often be confused with a dog’s metallic breath.

Finally, your dog may have rolled around in something that resembles the smell of iron.

For example, a rusty bit of metal in a puddle can cause the water to smell like iron and if your dog rolls around in this substance, then it can cause them to smell. I think even they’d be expecting to have a bath after that experience!

Final Thoughts

The most important thing to do when your dog’s breath smells like iron is don’t panic! Of course, the thought of your fur baby having something wrong with them is a horrible idea.

The most common cause for metallic breath is that your dog is eating too much meat. In this case, the best course of action is to balance their diet out a bit more and make sure there are a variety of different meats and vegetables available for dinner.

Of course, if there are other factors to consider, then calling the vet is the best thing to do. It’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to our pets’ health and wellbeing.