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Why Your Emerald Crab Is Turning White!

If you have picked up an emerald crab, then you might be slightly daunted when it comes to caring for them.

They have some behaviors and biological characteristics that might seem alarming at first, but make no mistake, most of this is quite natural. But what if your emerald crab has turned white?

It’s not unusual for a newly-hatched baby crab to turn white after being exposed to the sun for a short time. This is because their shell is still soft, and they are unable to protect themselves from the elements.

As soon as they grow larger and stronger, they will begin to change color.

It’s also possible for a crab to become white due to stress or illness. If a crab becomes stressed, it can develop a condition called ‘albinism’ which causes it to lose its pigment.

The same thing happens in humans who suffer from albinism – they lack pigmentation in their skin and hair.

What Is An Emerald Crab?

Emerald Crab Turning White

An emerald crab is one of many species of crabs found around the world. It belongs to the genus Portunus, and is native to the Indo-Pacific region.

There are two varieties of emerald crabs: the green variety (Portunus pelagicus) and the red variety (Portunus trituberculatus).

Emerald crabs are very popular among aquarium hobbyists, and there are several reasons why. First off, they are relatively easy to care for.

They don’t require much attention, and they only need a few things to survive. Secondly, they are beautiful creatures with bright colors. And finally, they are extremely hardy animals.

How To Care For A Green Emerald Crab

The best way to keep a green emerald crab alive is by keeping it in a well-lit environment.

You should provide plenty of space for your emerald crab to move about freely, and it should be able to see out into the surrounding area.

Keep the tank clean so that algae doesn’t build up on the sides of the tank.

If you want to feed your emerald crab, use live foods such as shrimp, brine shrimp, or krill. These types of food are rich in protein and help to give your emerald crab energy.

A crab like this will mainly eat algae or any kind of debris that collects in the hairs on its leg!

You can also find this crab trying to attack other fish and living organisms in your tank, so make sure that you keep it away from certain types of fish.

Why Do Emerald Crabs Turn White?

Why Do Emerald Crabs Turn White?

When a crab turns white, it means that it has been exposed to too much light for too long of a period of time. When a crab is born, its shell is soft and translucent.

After a while, it begins to harden and darken. Eventually, it develops a protective layer of thickened tissue known as carapace.

As a result, a newly hatched crab cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Even though they may appear healthy, they are actually suffering from a condition called “albinism”.

Albinism is caused by a mutation in the genes responsible for producing melanin. 

Melanin is a substance that gives color to the body parts of animals. Without it, the crab loses all coloration and appears completely white.

Once the crab grows older, it starts to produce more melanin and eventually returns to its original color. However, if an animal suffers from albinism for a prolonged period of time, it may never fully recover.

This crab might also turn white while it is molting. Molting occurs when an animal sheds its old outer shell in order to grow a new one. During this process, the crab may temporarily lose its pigment.

How Can I Stop My Crab From Turning White?

There isn’t really anything that you can do to prevent a crab from turning white. The best thing that you can do is monitor your crab closely so that you know when it needs to be fed.

If you notice that your crab is starting to look sickly, then it probably needs some extra TLC.

You can try feeding your crab different foods, but this won’t necessarily stop it from turning white.

In fact, it may even cause it to become ill. Instead, you should focus on providing proper lighting and cleaning supplies.

Cleaning the tank regularly helps to remove dead skin cells and algae buildup. It also keeps the water flowing properly, which prevents stagnant areas where bacteria could form.

You can also try adding a few drops of liquid vitamin E to the water every day. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that helps to protect your crabs against harmful UV rays.

Another option would be to place your crab under a black light. This type of light emits ultraviolet (UV) radiation that penetrates through glass and plastic aquariums.

However, you shouldn’t expose your crab to UV lights for extended periods of time. Doing so could have negative effects on their health.

How Else Can I Keep My Emerald Crab Healthy?

If you want to keep your crab alive and well, then you need to provide it with adequate space. Make sure that there aren’t any obstacles blocking the flow of water within the tank.

Make sure that you clean out the gravel regularly. Crabs love to burrow into the substrate, which makes them easier prey for predators.

Make sure that you give your crab plenty of hiding places. They will use these spots to escape from predators or hide from potential dangers.

It is important to make sure that your crab has access to fresh air. You should periodically open up the top of the tank to let in some oxygen.

Remember that you should always take care of your pet before it becomes too weak. You should monitor your crab at least once a day to check if it is healthy.

By doing so, you will ensure that it lives long enough to enjoy many years of happiness.


In conclusion, we hope that our article about how to keep your emerald crab healthy helped you to learn all that you needed to know about keeping your pet safe.

Remember to research this creature as much as possible before you buy it.