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How To Use Pedialyte For Birds Who Need An Electrolyte Boost!

With the number of people keeping pet birds constantly increasing, the number of questions that we see from the bird keeping community about caring for birds in certain situations also increases too.

One thing that we commonly see people asking about is getting more electrolytes into a sick bird be it ill or dehydrated and although there are a number of ways to do this, pedialyte is one of the quickest, easiest, and cheapest methods you can use.

Due to this, we often see questions from the bird keeping community about using pedialyte for birds so we wanted to publish this article to try and help as many of our readers as possible.

Many avian vets actually recommend that you use pedialyte to quickly and easily get electrolytes into your pet bird if it is sick but dosing it correctly can be problematic.

What Is Pedialyte?

Pedialyte is an over the counter product that is designed to replenish electrolytes in humans who are dehydrated, have the stomach flu, or diarrhea.

It is important to remember that this product is for human use only and should only be given to animals unless under strict veterinarian supervision.

The main ingredients in pedialyte are water, salt, potassium, and sugar and it is these ingredients that help to replenish electrolytes in the human body as well as the body of birds.

Can I Give My Bird Pedialyte?

Now that we know what pedialyte is and what it does, the next logical question is can you give your bird pedialyte?

The answer to this is yes, but you need to take care when doing so.

Birds require a very specific ratio of electrolytes to water in order to stay healthy and unfortunately, the ratio in pedialyte is not ideal for birds.

Because of this, you should only give your bird pedialyte if it is suffering from dehydration and only under the strict supervision of an avian vet who can help you to dose it correctly.

How To Make Pedialyte Safe For Birds?

As we mentioned before, the ratio of electrolytes to water in pedialyte is not ideal for birds so if you are going to give it to your feathered friend, you will need to dilute it first.

The easiest way to do this is by adding one part pedialyte to one part water and then offering this mixture to your sick bird.

How To Use Pedialyte For Birds

Although using pedialyte for birds is not ideal, if your pet bird is dehydrated or suffering from the effects of diarrhea, vomiting, or an illness then using pedialyte can help to replenish its electrolytes quickly.

Due to the fact that using pedialyte for birds is not ideal, it is important that you only use it as a temporary measure and that you seek professional medical help for your pet bird as soon as possible.

When using pedialyte for birds, it is important that you only give them a very small amount as birds are much smaller than humans and too much pedialyte can actually be dangerous for them.

The best way to give your bird pedialyte is to mix it with water at a 50/50 ratio and then offer it to your bird in a shallow dish.

It is important that you only offer a small amount of this mixture to your bird at first as too much can actually make them sicker.

If you are unsure of how much pedialyte to give your bird then it is best to ask your avian vet for advice.

Can You Give Pedialyte To Baby Birds?

Due to the fact that pedialyte is high in sugar, it is not recommended that you give it to baby birds as it can actually make them very sick.

If your baby bird is dehydrated then it is best to seek professional medical help as they may require special care and treatment.

How Do You Know When To Give A Bird Pedialyte?

The best way to know when to give your bird pedialyte is to take it to an avian vet for a check-up.

They will be able to assess your bird’s condition and advise you on the best course of action.

If you are unsure of whether or not your bird is dehydrated then there are a few signs that you can look for including:

  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Sunken eyes
  • Lack of energy or lethargy
  • Cracked beak
  • Panting

If you notice any of these signs in your bird then it is best to take it to an avian vet for a check-up as soon as possible.

Dehydration is a serious condition and can be fatal if not treated so it is important that you seek professional medical help for your pet bird as soon as possible.

How Long Will It Take For Pedialyte To Help A Bird?

The amount of time it will take for pedialyte to help your bird will depend on how dehydrated it is.

If your bird is only mildly dehydrated then it may only take a few hours for the pedialyte to start working but if your bird is severely dehydrated then it may take a few days for it to start feeling better.

It is important to remember that pedialyte is only a temporary measure and it is not a cure for dehydration.

If your bird is dehydrated then it is best to seek professional medical help as they will be able to provide the proper care and treatment.


Although using pedialyte for birds is not ideal, if your pet bird is dehydrated or suffering from the effects of diarrhea, vomiting, or an illness then using pedialyte can help to replenish its electrolytes quickly.

Due to the fact that using pedialyte for birds is not ideal, it is important that you only use it as a temporary measure and that you seek professional medical help for your pet bird as soon as possible.