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The Ultimate Duckweed Vs Frogbit Comparison!

We have noticed a steady increase in the number of questions that we have seen people asking about duckweed and frogbit over the last few months with many of the questions we see people asking being a request for a direct comparison in a particular area.

Due to this, we have decided to publish our own duckweed vs frogbit comparison article going over the more commonly asked questions that we have noticed from the community.

As with most things when it comes to pongs and aquarium plants, your situation, circumstances, and goals will all come into play when deciding what the best option is for your plants.

This is why duckweed can be the best option for some people, frogbit can be the best option for others, and neither may be the best option for someone else.

We will offer a full breakdown going over the advantages and disadvantages of both duckweed and frogbit in this article though with a goal of being able to inform our readers as best we can to help you make the best choice for your needs.

Depending on your goals, you may be able to go with either option and get exactly what you want too but there does usually tend to be a clear winner for most people’s requirements.

Duckweed Vs Frogbit For Ponds!

Both duckweed and frogbit can be a great option for a pond with both usually having the same advantages and disadvantages.

Both plants tend to offer excellent protection for aquatic animals in the pond in direct sunlight while also providing some nutrients and removing pollutants from the water.

They can also block out the sun and prevent potential issues with plants under them in the water while also using up some of the oxygen in the water.

If you have a shallower pond then duckweed does tend to be the better option as it has shorter roots and is able to pull its nutrients from a smaller body of water with ease.

Frogbit tends to do better in deeper ponds due to its longer roots sometimes struggling in shallower water but it can pull a higher amount of pollutants out of the water.

Unless you have a very small pond that is less than three foot by three foot, the fact that both plants will remove some of the oxygen from the water should not be a major issue in most cases, especially if you are taking steps to minimize the growth of the plants and prevent them from covering the full surface of the water.

If you do want other underwater plants in the pond then the duckweed or frogbit blocking out the sunlight may present an issue though.

Duckweed Vs Frogbit For Aquariums!

Both duckweed and frogbit can be used in an aquarium but they do tend to be used for slightly different reasons.

Frogbit is usually used for more of a decorative look and duckweed is usually used as a supplemental food source due to it usually having a faster growth rate than frogbit and more fish enjoying the taste of duckweed.

Although many fish will still eat frogbit, its longer roots can put some fish off as the swim up towards the surface to eat the plant.

The smaller roots of duckweed prevent this from happening while its faster growth rate helps to ensure that the duckweed is able to repopulate itself without you having to restock the aquarium.

Frogbit does tend to have a faster than average growth rate too but it is slower than duckweed and will take longer to repopulate if you have a large number of fish in your aquarium.

Thankfully, as we mentioned earlier, the longer roots of frogbit does tend to discourage some fish from eating it helping to reduce the chances of it being eaten to a level where you have to restock it manually.

Duckweed Vs Frogbit Growth Rate!

Both duckweed and frogbit have a fast growth rate for aquatic plants but duckweed does tend to be the faster-growing plant of the two in ideal conditions. This can be an advantage and disadvantage depending on your requirements.

If you want to use duckweed as supplementary food for your fish then its rapid growth rate is an advantage but if you don’t have a large number of fish then skimming the duckweed off the water surface to keep it under control will increase your tank maintenance requirements.

Both duckweed and frogbit have an faster than average growth rate too and if they are left alone on large bodies of water in direct sunlight then they can both grow at a rapid pace and dominate large portions of the water surface.

Depending on the other plants and animals in the body of water, this may cause problems with sunlight getting ot the bottom of the water.

If you do have a large number of fish or amphibians in the water then this can be an advantage though as their rapid growth rate allows them to provide large amounts of shelter on hotter days without you having to do anything.

Due to the sensitive skin of fish and amphibians, this can be a great advantage for both plants in warmer areas.

Duckweed Vs Frogbit Roots!

The root length of duckweed and frogbit are totally different with duckweed having much shorter roots and frogbit having longer roots.

This can have an effect on how you will use the plants as the longer roots of frogbit allow it to remove more toxins from the water but the shorter roots of duckweed make it easier for small fish to eat it.

If you are looking for something that will be able to pull as many toxins out of your water as possible and your pond or aquarium is at least a foot deep then frogbit will be the better option.

If you are looking for a water plant that fish will eat to supplement their diet then duckweed will be the better option in most cases.

Duckweed also tends to do better in shallower water too so if your pond or aquarium is less than a foot deep then duckweed can grow better. That said though, Frogbit can still grow in shallower water, it just tends to have a slower growth rate.

Duckweed Vs Frogbit Temperature Requirements!

Frogbit and duckweed both tend to do better in a temperature of around 25°C/77°F while still being able to do well above and below that in some situations.

This should mean that the majority of our readers live in an area where both duckweed and frogbit are able to do well with the local temperatures.

Keep in mind though, this is a relatively low temperature requirement for optimal performance out of the plant meaning that even in colder temperatures than what some of our readers will be used to, both duckweed and frogbit can grow at a very rapid pace.

This is why there are so many stories online of people who have not tended to some outdoor ponds for an extended period of time only to realize that the duckweed and frogbit has taken over.

We have also noticed that duckweed can do slightly better than frogbit in slightly colder temperatures but the difference really is small.

If you do live in a colder area or a location with strong seasonal change in your local temperatures then this could make duckweed the better option.

Duckweed Vs Frogbit Care Requirements!

Due to the rapid growth rates of both duckweed and frogbit, they do both require more care than some other popular aquatic plants or they will rapidly grow and cover the body of water.

Depending on the exact situation, this can result in your tank/pond maintenance increasing to give you time to control the growth rate of the plants.

This is why some people will opt to use something like salvinia or water lettuce instead of duckweed or frogbit as they do require less care.

Both alternatives to duckweed and frogbit offer slightly different advantages and disadvantages though so it is not always a clear win for a single option.

If you manage your aquarium or pond correctly then you can sometimes fit in the care requirements for both duckweed and frogbit into the standard maintenance anyway.

This can usually be done once per week or once every other week depending on the size of your pond or aquarium.


That brings our duckweed vs frogbit comparison article to an end. We hope that you have found it helpful and that we have been able to explain some of the situations where you should be using one of the plants over the other. Although both are close in many areas, there are a small number of niches where one will push ahead of the other making it the better choice and we have pointed out a number of these situations in our article above to try and help our readers make their choice.